Our educational systems teach us only facts. They do not educate for the whole or complete human being, and only create limited, fragmented people. They ignore very important aspects of human development such as emotional intelligence, moral values, spiritual intelligence and relationship skills. We do not learn who we are, what is the meaning of life, what is our true potential and our purpose. We end up enslaved in limitation, living ordinary lives, lacking happiness and fulfillment without reaching our full potential.
The author’s mission is to fill in the gap of what our standard educational systems failed to teach us and inspire seekers to improve their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing through consciousness based education. Holistic wellness and expanded awareness lead to freedom, peace, fulfillment, joy and awaken human potential. Personal transformation is the starting point of social, cultural and planetary transformation that will create a more just, loving and peaceful world.
The secret to freedom that is most intimate to us is the core of our being, our own Self. 'Know thy self' as the Greek philosopher Socrates taught, is the understanding of the true nature of reality, who you really are and the knowledge of higher states of consciousness as you transcend your ego and reach self-realization.
As the 'journey home' is revealed and you recognize the concept of your true self, integrating moreover, the following contemporary principles, will restore your connection to your true essence, the silent field within. This is a clear road-map that will result in your progressive expression of the state of fulfillment, freedom and vibrant living.
These principles are reflected in your physical, mental/emotional and spiritual life. The practices in each of these levels allow you to transcend the external nature of life and dive within yourself, so that you can connect from where your journey in this human experience started.
Physical life
• Develop health and vitality and a general sense of wellbeing.
Mental/emotional life
• Experience of emotional freedom and self-value. Cultivate positive inner dialogue.
• Nurture loving relationships and consciously communicate your needs.
• Practice acceptance, detachment, conscious choice making, gratitude and forgiveness.
• Master the art of manifesting your desires.
• Develop your true purpose to serve the world.
Spiritual life
• Introduce the practice of meditation and mindfulness.
Reaching higher states of consciousness and ultimately unity consciousness will be the consequence of devotion, knowledge, self-awareness and conscious living.
This is not a knowledge that you know but a knowledge that you live. Discipline and daily practice will help you rise up, break the old patterns and become more evolved as a human. As you grow, treat yourself with compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. You will fail, fall back into your old patterns, and forget what you’ve learned but always remember that it is a journey and not a destination.
The world will be peaceful only when the people of the world are peaceful and happy. The change must begin with each of us.
This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds,
To watch the birth and death of beings is like looking at the
movements of a dance,
A lifetime is like a flash of lightning in the sky,
Rushing by like a torrent down a steep mountain. —Buddha
Journey to enlightenment
Timeless principles and practices are explored, that will help you move beyond limiting conditioned beliefs, understanding that enlightenment is about expanding your awareness of your true self, which is limitless. You will tap into your own deepest potential and manifest your dreams and desires.
The pathways are interwoven in the three levels of existence expressed as the physical, mental-emotional and spiritual lives.
The path of knowledge is the process of reason and discrimination to understand the nature of reality. Understanding the true nature of reality expands human identity from separation created by the ego to connection with your true self which is your true identity. This wholeness, reaches higher states of consciousness and awakening which lead to lightness of being and union with all that exists.
The path of meditation focuses on practices that take our awareness inward and promote the integration of the mind, body and spirit.
The path of finding your true purpose to serve the world without attachment to the outcome, without expectation of recognition. This is an experience of deeper gratification and fulfillment.
The path of kindness.
The path of health and vitality and a general sense of wellbeing.
This road map has various aspects to it. It’s not as a code of behavior but as the natural unfolding of a pathway that appears before us as we expand our consciousness in the direction of enlightenment.
The unfoldment of the journey
The journey unfolds as the exploration of the nature of our consciousness. Consciousness is awareness. The spirit inside us. We are conscious beings who are aware. The more expanded our awareness is, the more likely we are to get in touch with reality. Consciousness is a universal field and our individual consciousness is part of the field. That consciousness creates our ultimate reality which is everything we think, feel, our relationships, environment, our perception of the world, our physical body and biological functions.
Consciousness is the basis of everything and it is our essential state of being. Consciousness is all around us, in nature and in the cosmos. It is consciousness that keeps the whole world turning. Consciousness is so intimate to us, we don't really have to look too far to find it.
Everything that we do is related to pure consciousness. Consciousness is the key to everything. Whatever we do with consciousness has knowledge, power, wisdom, healing and love. Whatever we do without consciousness leads to fragmentation and disintegration. Consciousness is the factor that links everything together.
We are going to look at the modern insights into the nature of consciousness and link them with the ancient wisdom traditions.