Unveil Your Intimate Self

The Secret to Freedom and Extraordinary Living

by Elena Georgiadou BA HONS ADN

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/15/2017

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781504391511
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781504391498
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781504391504

About the Book

In Unveil Your Intimate Self, the author considers the mystery of our existence and its significance in our journey to freedom. She draws upon ancient wisdom and the findings of modern science to help us understand and experience our true nature, which is a field of awareness. When you know yourself as this field of awareness and live from your source, your life will be infused with inner peace and freedom from fear and limitations, you can manifest your desires, and you experience health and harmony in all levels of existence. The book is a blueprint that helps you break free from conditioning of ordinary life. Blending philosophy, modern science, spirituality, and natural healing modalities, the author provides a framework for transforming yourself to help you live an extraordinary life. A life of fulfillment, potential, and emotional and physical health.

About the Author

Elena Vrahimis Georgiadou is a Greek Born author, specialized in personal transformation and in the new definition of health that embraces body, mind and spirit. After her initial Education in United Kingdom and a successful career in the corporate world, she embarked on her own spiritual journey to find her true identity and understand the mystery of our existence. The journey took her to many countries around the world, exploring nature, religions and cultures. Moreover, she extended her studies in United States and Australia, in natural healing modalities such as Naturopathy and Ayurveda - The Science of life, with emphasis in the teachings of ancient philosophies of the wonderful field of human consciousness and spiritual awakening. Her work has been deeply influenced by world renowned pioneers in integrative medicine such as Dr. Deepak Chopra, the late Dr David Simon and other influential thinkers such as Dr Jean Houston, Rupert Spira, Dr. Vinod Verma and others. Elena is the founder of Luminous Freedom Education, which is consciousness based and designed to bring the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of human life in perfect harmony, in order to “Awaken to a new Self” and experience clarity, health, and freedom. Contact the author at: elenageorgiadou@cytanet.com.cy www.facebook.com/elena.georgiadou.33 https://www.linkedin.com/in/elenageorgiadou/