Been There, Done That, Wrote This!

A Personal Journey Through Chronic Illness, Bullies, and Spirituality

by Micheleanne

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781504389228
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781504389211

About the Book

We all have had our struggles in life. The difference between being a success and feeling like a failure is in how you choose to perceive your challenges. It is my belief that our life is a process of learning, instead of “what happened to you.” It is my desire to show you that you can choose freedom over victimhood. I was initially inspired to write this book in order to help people who have been newly diagnosed with an illness. My goal was to show people how to be prepared to deal with life after diagnosis and, consequently, the many new challenges that will arise in life. Looking back, I realize that this book has been inside me for years. I see so many people on a regular basis who are hurting for so many different reasons. Chronic pain and illness cause suffering, and so do many others of life’s experiences in general. Having overcome many difficulties of my own—chronic illness, bullies, feeling judged, and religious condemnation—I feel compelled to share some of my experiences. I sincerely hope that you gain some insight on how to overcome your own difficulties and live your best life with grace.

About the Author

Born fighting for her life, she knows she has survived for a reason, and that she has a purpose. Her reason for surviving was not discovered until later in her life after she had been put on long term disability at the young age of 26. She learned to redefine success and what it means to truly succeed and find happiness through the lessons that life had thrown her way, and enjoys showing others who may be struggling how they can do the same.