How to Bury Your Spouse Without Committing Murder

Your Guide To Healing The Right Way During Your Divorce

by Divorce Buddha

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/18/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781982205140
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781982205133
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781982205157

About the Book

Are you going through a divorce? Do you sometimes wish that you could bury your spouse? If so, this book is for you. But this book is not actually about burying your spouse. Rather, it is about showing you how to bury the suffering you associate with your spouse, and we are going to show you how to do it with our unique strategy.

About the Author

Alaina Molesko is a graduate of Rutgers in New Brunswick, NJ. She obtained her paralegal certificate in 2015, while raising her two sons and one daughter who were four, eight, and twelve. Alaina became a paralegal in June 2015. She works for a family law practice, assisting multitudes of divorcing couples. Alaina is also a divorcee—further making her a pro in this arena—who is currently, and happily, remarried. Alaina is a Level III Reiki Master and Teacher. She has always been an alternative medicine enthusiast, taking great interest in the mind and body’s ability to heal itself with natural supplements and through the power of positive thinking, faith and meditation. She is also knowledgeable in Ayurvedic lifestyles, the healing properties of crystals, herbs and essential oils. She uses all these tools in her personal life coaching health and wellness business, which she founded in 2014. Alaina is professionally, as well as self-taught, in many aspects of self-care and self-help. She has attended classes for life coaching and obtained certifications in both spiritual and personal life coaching via the World Coaching Institute in 2015. She also became a certified health and wellness nutrition coach in 2015, obtaining her certificate from NAFC. She has our own life-coaching business that is expanding greatly, which is called Eightfold Path Life Coaching, LLC. Stefanie Gagliardi is a mother to Isabella, wife to Joseph and an attorney practicing in Northwest New Jersey. Stefanie received a B.A. in Communication, which placed an emphasis on interpersonal relationships, thus sparking her passion to pursue a J.D. She is a litigator, trained mediator and trained collaborative divorce attorney. Stefanie has spent over a decade during her career volunteering her time to the public. Her volunteer work includes helping victims of domestic violence, educating spouses contemplating divorce and helping her colleagues settle their cases. She lives by the saying, “knowledge is power” and it has been her steadfast objective to educate the general public about the legal process and the rights afforded by the judicial system. She also devotes her time to public service by helping at a local volunteer center where she participates in various outreach programs. For this and her work as an attorney, Stefanie was named one of New Jersey’s 2015, 2016, 2017 SuperLawyers Rising Stars as well as New Jersey’s 2015, 2016 2017 “10 Best” Attorneys and New Jersey’s 2015 “10 Best” Law Firms by the American Institute of Family Law Attorneys. She considers herself a spiritual person first, and she implements spiritual practices into her daily routine. Inspired by her studies at a Buddhist Temple, her intention in co-creating Divorce Buddha is to help others build and sustain wellness in a society that feeds off divorce scandal and fear.