The Résumé of Life

Becoming Consciously Aware through Spirit, Mind, and Body

by Terry J. Walker MA

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/27/2017

Format : Audio
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : N/A
ISBN : 9781982213282
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781504391368
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781504391375
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781504391351

About the Book

Why am I here? What is my purpose? What events have led me to here and now? In The Résumé of Life, author Terry J. Walker helps you address these questions and more. This life-changing book is packed with questions and insight to help you find your own answers and your own truth to better understand why you are here, what you have done in your life, and where you wish to go. Using her personal experiences as a backdrop, Walker guides you through discovering how to release self-sabotaging behaviors and to embrace your true love and acceptance of your source. She describes how life is like a puzzle and you must embark upon a journey to put the pieces of the puzzle together to create a more insightful and enlightened journey—your résumé of life. Uplifting and inspirational, The Résumé of Life celebrates the power of the spiritual world as well as the physical world. It offers a guide to help you better understand yourself and your world.

About the Author

Terry began her career working as a probation officer for adolescents in the community. She provided intensive probation and individual and family counseling. She also helped to develop a program for children and teens in the community in an effort to give kids alternatives to getting into trouble. She has worked as a therapist for children and families for more than fifteen years and helped to develop alcohol and drug-abuse awareness programs for children and teens. She was a program director for a dual-diagnosis residential treatment center for adolescents where she developed therapeutic programs and provided individual, group, and family therapy. Over the past fourteen years, she has also worked in the medical sales and customer-service industry, where she also provided motivational sales and customer-service training techniques to colleagues and clients. Terry is a passionate advocate for living one’s truth. During her journey, like you, she has encountered numerous successes and pitfalls and has taken the time to try to figure it out. Her life’s goal is to inspire and motivate others to live their truth. Terry holds a master of arts degree in educational psychology and counseling from Tennessee Tech University and a bachelor of science degree in mass communications from Middle Tennessee State University. A business owner (Inspire and Motivate, IAM, LLC) and motivational speaker, Terry is the author of three books: Bridging the Gap: An Educator’s Guide, Bridging the Gap: A Parent’s Guide, and The Résumé of Life: Becoming Consciously Aware Through Spirit, Mind, and Body. To invite Terry to inspire and motivate your group at your next event, you may contact her at or visit her website: