The Four R’s

Unlocking Your Divine Potential

by T. Guy Chittenden

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/10/2017

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781504379441
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781504379465
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781504379458

About the Book

The road to illumination, and our ability to lead a rich and fulfilling life, is a journey beset with challenge, much of which is birthed by the poorly programmed software of our minds—our conscious and not so conscious thoughts.

In The Four R’s—Unlocking Your Divine Potential, T. Guy Chittenden uses the backdrop of his own riveting story to illustrate The Four R’s—a simple and effective solution to the aforementioned dilemma. It represents an extremely powerful process of self-transformation—a process that engages the infinite power of Divine Consciousness to transform the limiting ideas, beliefs, and agreements that have been internalized over the course of a lifetime.

The Four R’s can be easily incorporated into one’s spiritual practice, and when applied diligently, will:

•    transform the thought processes that limit you;
•    free your intrinsic ability to love unconditionally;
•    enable you to realize your ever-present connection to Source;
•    assist you to live a healthy, balanced, abundant, and fulfilling life;
•    empower you to embrace your Divine Potential.

“It is my heartfelt hope that The Four R’s will assist you in your transformation and awakening—that it will elicit a profound realization in you of the indelible state of perfection and love that permeates every cell of your being.” —T. Guy Chittenden

About the Author

T. Guy Chittenden is a modern mystic whose quest for truth began with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, but quickly turned more philosophical in nature. The search took him on a tumultuous journey during which he had to come to terms with his sexuality, heal deep-rooted feelings of abandonment, face the death of loved ones, and overcome financial destitution. It eventually led him to a point of profound catharsis and awakening. However, rather than seeing it as a port of arrival, Tim continues to view life as a miraculous, ongoing voyage of exploration and self-discovery. He now hosts retreats in Santa Fe, New Mexico, to assist others in their own process of actualizing their full Divine potential.