Beyond the Cave

by Dennis Zinner & Marilyn Zinner

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/24/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781504381338
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781504381079
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781504381086

About the Book

Beyond the Cave, by Dennis and Marilyn Zinner, relates a visionary and inspiring story of self-discovery, personal growth, and transcendence. The book follows Dennis Zinner’s first endeavor into fiction, The Teacher and Me, published in 2012.

The Earth’s inhabitants are threatened with extinction. Global warming, over population, pollution of oceans and waterways, the loss of wildlife and their habitats, and the bee collapse disaster all are factors.  The Earth Council, a group pledged to help the world evolve into a healthier place, is working to bring love, peace, and harmony to the planet.

Dr. Wong, a member of the Earth Council, is charged with recruiting Marley and her boyfriend Josh. Marley takes us on an extraordinary journey, beginning with her awakening and through several past lifetimes as she derives a plan. Along the way we meet Marley’s mother who, during her lifetime, was a spiritual healer; and, Marley’s father, a renowned quantum physicist. Marley’s boyfriend Josh, a computer whiz who’s working on a program to safeguard the success of Marley’s plan, accompanies her on her journey.

To help Marley recall her gifts and incorporate them into her current life, Dr. Wong takes Marley to a lifetime when she was a Native American shaman, another lifetime when she was a novice priest devoted to human sacrifice in ancient Egypt, and a research scientist in Atlantis. Marley experiences a heroine’s journey, and awakens fully prepared on seeking the essential tools to inspire a revolution that will save the planet.  Written with pathos and humor, Beyond the Cave is sure to please fiction buffs of every stripe—especially, those searching for the deeper meanings of life.

About the Author

Marilyn Zinner has a Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities and a Master’s Degree in Arts and Consciousness from John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California. Marilyn is passionate about our Mother Earth and feels its blessings, but also the need to realize the conditions which plague the Earth and man’s behavior toward it. Dennis and Marilyn have been married for 27 years and are living in California’s Central Valley.