The writing of this book has been a journey within itself. I remember distantly telling myself I’m never going to write a book. Then pondering the creation of a children’s book…yes. This type of book…no. So why am I here writing this book? Sometimes the universe has its own plan for us. When I say the universe, I am referring to a place of unlimited possibilities, a magnificent place to live and be. Having said that I also firmly believe that life is about finding our passion and living with a profound sense of joy. On my path as a therapist and motivational speaker I found that one of my greatest passions was in sharing what I have learned over the years about finding joy and really cultivating it into a lifestyle and way of being in the world. Thus this book became an idea, then a vision, and now here, in your hands, a reality. I have spent years working with children, adolescents, and adults that have been faced with incredible life challenges that have consumed their lives with anxiety, depression, fear, worries, and self-doubt. I wanted to find a way to do more than just tell my story. I wanted to give some concrete and effective tools to help shift people in a way that leaves lasting change in an efficient way. I truly desire more and more people waking up to what they unknowingly hold inside. To allow that part to sparkle and shine to the world! This book may not be for everyone. It is specifically for those who desire change, those with an open, searching mind ready and willing to explore their full potential and all the possibilities that brings. It is for those who truly have a knowingness that there is something grand and glorious about their life that they would like to tap into. If that is you then…THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU! Tempted to put this down, unsure about where you stand, chances are good that this book wound up in your hands right here and right now for a reason and despite your doubts….THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU TOO! After all, everything happens for a reason. You having this book in your hands is a sign of really amazing things to come! Wahoo! I’m so excited for you.
I once heard, "there are two types of people, those who divide the world into groups and those who do not,” by Robert Benchley, I guess I am the former!
Only I believe in 3 types:
• People on their way of greatness. These people serve to inspire and motivate us, keeping us on our ROCKSTAR paths.
• People just getting out of the “muck” the “okay I can breathe now…Now what?"
• People who are still stuck and it’s been a month, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, maybe 10+ years. You say to yourself “I’m not sure I really know what it is that I desire? What would make me happy? Who am I?”
I am professionally trained as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Marriage and Family Therapist, as such this training and my experiences within it have played an integral part in the writing of this book. There has been so much joy in getting to know people on a very personal and deep level. In this incredible way I have been fortunate enough to be able to help support them on their distinct life paths. No matter what the presenting issue was, I found my passion in helping others overcome and step into their true amazingness. To not only find the joy in their lives, but to live their lives extraordinary.
My hope is that this book will be a tool to help YOU find the joy that is within your reach right now. To live life extraordinary is to embrace the gifts that we have been blessed with. For many this will be new information presented and for those further along their paths this will act as a nice review and a reminder who you are and where you come from. I have included some really powerful tools throughout these pages that I have collected and would love nothing more to share them with you so you too can reap the benefits from them too. I too love hearing the abundance of success stories out there so please contact me and tell me how you are living life extraordinary!
I encourage you to come back and reread this book at your next stage in life as well as you will find that you have a new perspective on your life. Life energy is always changing; matter of fact when you have finished this book you too will have changed many, many, many times. Isn’t that beautiful! I hope that if you have found value in these pages that you also share with others that may benefit in the same way that you have. Pay it forward. The more you give to others the more you have to receive from others.
Let me state for the record that I grew up in the Midwest in a small town with very traditional values and perspectives and therefore this journey has been one of an ever-expanding creation in progress. It has been life changing to say the least. These "out-of-the-box" concepts, ideas, and tools are meant to help move you through a place of uncertainty to a place that allows you to be open to all the possibilities that are out there. I have found such ease and enjoyment in allowing my life to unfold. My close friends have often excused my unique way of looking at things as “just being Teri” or “weird” and I’m okay with both. I would have said the same years ago.
The bottom line: My wish for you is simple. I wish that you see within yourself the gifts that you have been given because once you uncover them you are going to feel the energy sparkle and come alive within YOU! Take the step into the unknown with courage, determination, and fierce gratitude! Then you can come to a place where you can wholeheartedly say “I BELIEVE in myself and I KNOW that I CAN do this!” You will find that as you shine, others will be inspired and will look to you as the “example” that gives them the power to create their own phenomenal lives. To step into the truth of knowing that “I am enough.” Let go of all the expectations, judgments, fears, worries, and all the “muck” that is no longer serving you. WOW! You are really ready to ROCK the world!
What if this was YOU? That would be pretty incredible right? WHAT IF IT WAS POSSIBLE?
Psst…. No one is stopping you from creating that reality! The only one “stopping” you….is YOU!
Let’s start now shall we?
I am here to say YOU CAN DO THIS!
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty blessed right about now!
To start…let me give you a framework in which I am working from. Over the years I have discovered the power of personal development and tools that have helped me discover my true passion and my ever-lasting energy source…allowing me to live my life fully and with so much joy. Some of which I have kept, some I upgraded, and some a replaced with even more dynamic tools. I have pulled from multiple modalities including my most popular ones Emotional Freedom Technique, Access Consciousness™, Energy Psychology, along with a few others.
It has been such an incredible journey and I would love to share some of my “secrets” with you. I get asked all the time “How do you do it?” Well within these pages you will find my secrets to staying out of the “muck” and living a life that I am truly in love with. Well I’m about to unveil all my “trade secrets” that is well….within all of us once we allow it to flow within us.
Let’s start creating a foundation here. Many people that I speak to have a basic understanding of the “Law of Attraction” because I incorporate these concepts into this book I would like to make sure we are all on the same page moving forward. I have had many conversations with people that say “yes, I understand it but it doesn’t work for me.” Does that sound familiar with you too? For a lot of people it does and because of that people get easily frustrated and come to the conclusion that it doesn’t work for them. If it doesn’t work for them than it must not work for anyone else and therefore it’s not true.