At 4 years of age Stephen was declared body, but not brain dead for 22 minutes, followed by 2 weeks in an un-induced coma. Although retaining very little consciously from the heavenly encounters he received during that period, it seeded a life long motivation to understand the heavens. At 13 years of age he had his first of many experiences of a spiritual and prophetic character.
Through many years of heart and mind searching to make sense of his otherwise suburban life, at forty years of age he read the whole Bible from cover to cover and found some common grounding to develop his studies.
This book is both a semi-autobiographical account of some of the authors experiences, plus his now many decades of delving and comprehending both the spiritual aspects of life and the Angelic and Demonic people groups that inhabit heaven and the earth.
From page 51, paragraph 1.
"... I felt imbued within every fiber of my being that the pale blue oval shape that it glowed from is where peace and wisdom hold all knowledge in the fullest stillness. In this way I gradually came closer to the source of all life as I became accustomed with its aligning to the source of my own being.
He gently let me come as close as I was enabled as His person began to reveal Himself within the pale blue. First as the fluffy, snowy white bearded person my children's church upbringing had supposed Jesus to be. His appearance gradually and gently unfolding to reveal the long flowing monk like robes.......
....,such love, and the eyes vitalized by the purest life giving fire that seemed to engulf all that I am".
From page 44, paragraph 1.
"To recap, our body is the physical biological vehicle that generally operates through the functioning of our five senses.
Our soul is a filled envelope of substance that vibrates at a frequency that is usually invisible to our normal visual range of seeing, that surrounds and emanates out less than a hands width from our bodies and contains all of the coloring and processing of our minds and feelings.........
Our individual spirit is a particle of all Spirit, and is thus the life force that holds our personal existence together; and is expressed from the deepest most intimate essence of our person through our conscious mentality as our conscience and motivation.........
The soul intakes our external life experiences and develops accordingly, but our actions, what we actually do, rather than what we just consider to do, will be directed by the strength and motivations of our conscience, and thus our spirit.".
From page 161, paragraph 1.
As Christs Ones (Christians) we have been given only one specific command by Jesus. He left us with many directives and comprehensions, but in all of the statements within the Bible that are attributed to Jesus there is only one specific commandment that as Christians we are ordered to follow, 'to love one another as He loves us'.
Within this commandment we are specifically directed to lay aside our own lives for the love of our friends in the same manner He gave Himself for our salvation. No, this does not mean we have to do the nail spikes through the wrist thing, that wouldn't be a very handy way to live.
The command is more about having a giving heart to support lovingly the folks that Jesus brings before the circumstances and remembrance in our daily and overall life.......".
We plumb the whole process of how the Demons that are accountable to the command of Satan live and work and have their being from a very practical view, plus therefor our authority and warfare to move through this aspect of the earth's populous.
Behind a great wealth of spiritual insight, the basic reason for writing this book is to bring every person who has a Love towards Jesus closer to understanding His heart and the whole purpose and foundational outworking of Creation; and to show everyone else the Love that Jesus is.