Give It to God in the Love of Jesus

by Stephen Duff

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/10/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 366
ISBN : 9781504306294
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 366
ISBN : 9781504306300

About the Book

Many questions arise as to where we fit as Christians and non-Christians with the Soul and Spirit aspects of our being, and thus how this actually in works our lives. The author Stephen Duff takes us step by step on an unfolding journey of discovery from our normal considerations into a deeper understanding of the heavenlies and it’s populous.

We shall look at how the spaces in the firmament exist, and thus our own spiritual and soul make up. We shall look at the heavens and thus the nature of both the Angels and the Demons that frequent our planet, and how they live and have their being; and thus how they impact us and what we can do with this.

Stephen takes our journey both biographically as we share some of his personal heavenly related experiences, and from his many years of Bible based studies to bring our hearts to a closer Love with Jesus.

Give it to God in the Love of Jesus moves away from the media sensationalism that clouds these misunderstandings to define a more realistic biblical view of the heavenly populous; which brings us to a much deeper comprehension and thus a more loving relationship in Jesus Christ.

About the Author

Stephen Duff died and was resuscitated when he was four years old. This experience seeded a lifelong motivation and study to understand spiritual truth. At age forty-one, he became a Holy Spirit rebirthed Christian. Now, nearly thirty years later and having served in most Christian ministries, Stephen ministers as the Holy Spirit leads him.