What if I told you that eating our “bugs” in probiotic foods helped rescue my family from multiple “incurable” diagnoses? We’ve spent the last 10 years thriving in our bodies because we were first given the gift of learning how to eat right for ourselves. I want you to feel whole and healthful too. I want you to be able to use the benefits of food to help you thrive. But, there is no one specific right way to eat. At least not with the amount of information and toxicity we are exposed to in our time and space reality. There is only what works best for you right now, and the acknowledgment that your needs may change as you grow.
Along my journey, I discovered that thriving health also depends on the awakening of your most precious innate wisdom — your own psychic power. Some may refer to this ability as your “intuition.” But, I want to take you on a wilder ride. I want you to experience how the embracing of your gut instinct and intuition helps unlock a greater power that shows you the energetic source of your health issues, and even the best ways to move through your pains. The tiny “bugs” that live within your gut, contribute to and even help control this in-born psychic ability of yours. Tuning-in to your gut both physically and energetically is your key to knowing what is good for you above all the babble from food gurus and experts across the fields of natural wellness and modern allopathy.
Is something not working about the way you are currently living your life that is manifesting as illness or stress? Is it something that you’d like to change? When you fully step into the power of owning your body and the thoughts and patterns that brought you here, you also get to see your own power to heal yourself. Then, something wonderful happens — you will come to know that you are not broken. You were made perfectly and your body is always attempting to create balance. Those ills that add up to stuff your doctor cannot define. Those nuances of your uniqueness that make it difficult to explain what is happening inside of you. Why you don’t feel well. Why, when you’ve tried everything in the book, still you are exhausted and confused. You’ve been healing all along. Your body has been upgrading, awaiting this moment when you can add up the answers that are already within you. You will be well. You will breathe deeply and sigh out in relief that you have the energy to greet your day with bliss. We all need help sometimes. And, that’s why I’m here too. I think all of our healing stories are valid additions to promoting thriving health for our collective human tribe.
So, I’m going to share my story here with you, and invite you to open your mind and heart for an adventure into healing that may surprise you. If you feel that you may be able to improve your health with the right diet, but have struggled to stick with a plan, I get it. Most diets fall short in addressing individuality and long-term healing. Nor do they seem to connect body, mind and spirit, so that you can understand why certain foods might work for you and how to use them beneficially. I want to discuss the connection of beneficial microbes to every aspect of your health, including your mood and personality. I want to help you get really cozy with your own psychic power so that you can use it to help gauge your body’s unique needs for the food and complimentary techniques that will take you to Thrivesville. There will be various times throughout my story where the details drip outside the lines of accepted reality. That’s simply because I've been to places most people don’t talk about. And, I learned that the blessings from those experiences increased exponentially by sharing about them in this book. So, thank you for picking it up. I hope it serves you well.
If you’re ready to step into your next day feeling balanced in your body, and you're willing to do what it takes to claim your own health, regardless of what you've been told by professionals... If you're curious what it would feel like to not crash at the end of your day, or not have to take loads of supplements or prescriptions, or how you can really understand what Your Body needs, despite what may work for others — this book’s for you. Don’t get me wrong. I do not know what will work best for you. You do. And, I’ll help you discover it.
My son was once labeled with autism, a “disorder” that I was taught was genetic or attributed to people who were evolving as “different thinkers.” He inspired me to seek my answers from inside myself first. For my Dougie, I explored the healing power of food, which was innate for me. Yet, I had to be open to undoing everything I was taught in order to get him, myself and my husband well. There may be times here, when you are called to undo beliefs that are keeping you from being completely well. I know it can be mentally and emotionally challenging. But, simply putting our beliefs to the test is a brave act, and one that often results in knowing yourself much better. So, know that you have support as you venture on.