Healing Every Day

From Daily Routines Into Self-Healing Rituals, Imaginations and Exercises

by Dr. Alexandra Kleeberg

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/16/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781504394420
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781504394437
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781504394444

About the Book

“Healing is life. Life is healing.” In 2008 Alexandra combined her knowledge and practical experience to develop a specific structured healing approach called Self-Healing by Embodi-Mental Imagination (known as SHEMI), which empowers people to learn how to heal themselves. Alexandra’s strong belief in the power of self-healing is evident in her group psychotherapy and training materials. She teaches people the skills and knowledge they need to tap into the power of self-healing. Selfhealing is natural, innate, easy to learn and trainable. You learn to attach healing exercises to your daily routines so they transform into healing rituals.

About the Author

Dr. Alexandra Kleeberg is a clinical psychologist, Jungian psychoanalyst, psychodrama- and behavioral therapist. She studied shamanism for 20 years. Alexandra is the author of six books on self-healing - published in English Self-Healing: Nine Steps Into the Wealth of Health, and two children’s books You Are Extraordinary and You Are Heartful. She is a trainer and expert of self-healing in groups in Germany and Austria. For the past four decades, Alexandra explored the techniques and benefits of self-healing from ancient cultures and modern research around the world. Her system “Self-Healing by Embody-Mental Imagination” (SHEMI) empowers people to tap into their very own power of self-healing. Alexandra combines medicine and psychology, ancient wisdom and new research, practical experiences and enthusiastic visions to teach clients and therapists the power to self-heal. The result was her clients got inspired, empowered and felt deeply supported. Not only that Alexandra felt more energy, joy and creativity, Alexandra discovered it is more powerful for people to self-heal. They have more fun, are more creative, find their dignity and emotional freedom – as well as the psychotherapists. From the Wisdom of Your Body From the Freedom of Your Mind From the Love of Your Heart Arises a Deep Might The Power to Heal Yourself (Alexandra Kleeberg)