Refugees’ Rebellion

by Issah H. Tikumah

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/10/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781504345408
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781504345361

About the Book

A fictionalized account of a real experience of a veteran refugee, Refugees’ Rebellion says it all about the harrowing twists and turns of life in exile. It was written to highlight the growing plight of the huge refugee population around the world. Rich in passion and literary expression, provocative and amusing at the same time, Refugees’ Rebellion is not just a classic piece of informative entertainment for general readership, but also an arousing message of solace for any grieving heart.

Professor Malinger falls out with the military junta of his country and goes into exile in Gushegu with his wife and little son. The fugitives are taken to a refugee camp somewhere in the bush. Conditions of life on the refugee camp are deplorable: hunger, crime, disease and death are everyday realities. After several months of hopeless endurance on the refugee camp, the fugitives are transferred to Funcity. It is not really clear which condition is the better one – is it their former life on the camp or is it their new life in the city where they now languish in joblessness and societal contempt? The general belief of refugees is that officials of CARC are misappropriating resources meant for the wellbeing of refugees. At the end of their thither, the refugees stage a revolt to oust the corrupt CARC officials and take over management of their own affairs. The rebellion fails. Professor Malinger leaves Gushegu for another country after giving a passionate farewell speech to his fellow refugees.

About the Author

Issah H. Tikumah is a lecturer in the English Department of the University of Cape Verde. He has published more than a dozen books. “Baptism of Orphanhood”(2013), an autobiographical exposition on the excruciating plight of the orphan-child, is among his recent novels. He was nominated ICORN Guest-Writer in 2012.