The purpose of this book is to help you take control of your life. No matter what your circumstances, I want to show you, even prove to you, that you are in control of what you experience and the results that have become your reality.
We’ve all heard, at one time or another, that you get what you think about. This book will provide examples and specific thoughts that show you that what you are experiencing is a direct result of what you have been thinking. The good news is that you can make immediate changes to achieve a more desirable outcome. Is it easy? Sometimes, however most of us have been thinking and operating the same way for so long, we have some habits to break. For these circumstances you are going to have to put forth some mental effort.
Change is a funny thing. If someone else changes in a way that benefits us, oh boy, we like that kind of change. However if we discover it is ourselves who need to make changes, well that’s a different story. The fact is that some of you will get angry with me for making you take an honest look at yourself. Fine with me and here is why; if your emotional tone is anger you have much more ability to take action then if you are feeling despair. My goal is to help you no matter what your current emotional state is at this moment in time.
Chapter 1
Changing Paths
You’d have to have been living under a rock during the past years if you haven’t heard or even talked about the Law of Attraction. Maybe you read the book “The Secret” or you tuned into Oprah and heard a stimulating conversation about attracting everything you want. Maybe you’ve read the teachings of Abraham or listened to talk radio. Whatever the catalyst was, you at some point had the thought about how cool it would be to attract everything you want. Then reality set in along with the thoughts about how this crap doesn’t work, at least not for you. I understand that feeling because I’ve been there.
I was so excited when I read The Secret that I bought two dozen copies so I could give them away. After all, I wanted all the folks who were important to me to have the same information. I gave each of the 15 managers who worked for me a copy. One of those managers, Julie, called me the day after I gave her the book to tell me how excited she was because she had stayed up all night reading. This information was new to her and created an increased level of excitement for life in her. One of my youngest sons friends, Liam was someone else that I gave the book to. He was a teenager who’d experienced more trauma in his life than most adults and I wanted him to know that he could control his life. He was so grateful to be introduced to concepts that he’d never heard of that he couldn’t stop reading.
So here I am all excited about this book and a universal law referred to as the law of attraction. I read the book, set some goals, shared what I was thinking about with others and my life didn’t change. Damn! Ok I say to myself, maybe you haven’t really absorbed the true meaning of the material. I bought the CD set of the secret and I also bought a couple of Abraham CD’s. Most folks don’t know that the basis for The Secret began with the teachings of Abraham delivered by Ester Hicks. I spent a great deal of time driving for my job so I figured I’d put all that drive time to good use and really absorb the material. Guess what happened? My life didn’t change much at all. There were small little victories in my attempts at manifestation but nothing anyone else could recognize.
Right now you might be saying, see it didn’t work for her either but you’d be wrong. It may have taken years, however once I finally got it, I was amazed. My intention with the book you are currently reading is to share enough examples and exercises with you that your journey, into believing that you are in control of your life and happiness, is a shorter one than what I’ve experienced.
As above, so below. As within, so without.
The Emerald Tablets
In May of 2011 I was riding in a jeep with the top off on some unknown road in Ohio. My oldest son, Cody was driving. My youngest son, Ryan and their friend Taylor, were in the back of the jeep. It was a beautiful, sunny day and the warm wind was blowing against my face and through my hair. I spent 15 minutes trying to identify a feeling that came over me. Seriously, ok I’m blonde but not dumb and it took me nearly 15 minutes to identify I was feeling happy. Wow, what a wake up call. How freakin sad that it had been so long since I was happy that I didn’t even recognize happiness when it showed up. Not to bore you with the details of my misery but let’s agree that whatever circumstances we become accustomed to, become our normal. It is just how life is for us. Maybe it is a coping mechanism for the human race that we become complacent and accept life as it is without much thought as we go about our lives. Until something occurs that wakes us up. My wake up call was that Saturday afternoon and it made me realize that I had to change something. I wasn’t sure what at that point, just absolutely positive that I had to change something because I wanted to be happy.
It wasn’t until 2013 when I read the entire Emerald Tablets that the above quote made sense to me. It took several more months to come to the realization on why I thought the law of attraction didn’t work for me those many years ago when I was so enthused about it. You see my perception was off, way off. What I didn’t understand is that how we feel inside affects how we perceive the world, our relationships, basically everything in our lives. As within, so without. I could only perceive or receive what I believed.
It took years for me to actually realize that the reason the law of attraction didn’t seem to work for me was simply my thoughts were all coming from a place of lack. I wanted abundance, hell I would have been happy with a little extra cash after all the bills were paid but my focus was on the bills and how little was in the bank account. I wanted my marriage to be better but I focused on all of the negative aspects of my mate. I wanted my job to be less stressful but my focus was on all of the things I had to do. My complete focus was on what wasn’t in my life so the affirmations I wrote or said or the desires that I had couldn’t show up because I didn’t truly believe they were available.