Practice what you Preach, Preach what you Practice

by Ronald Barnes

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/30/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 366
ISBN : 9781504368513
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 366
ISBN : 9781504368506
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 366
ISBN : 9781504368490

About the Book

What does it mean to be religious? Religious ethical morality is not just a Sunday set aside, or a social protocol to conform to peer group expectations, nor should religion be used as a refuge of forgiveness for negative actions that do not change. It is important to respect the religion of others even if you do not agree with their teachings. However, without a basic knowledge of other religions, there is no basis for evaluation other than “hear say” and ignorance, which are not rational foundations for evaluation. Because the voice of women is diminished by men who devalue the contribution of women or men who attempt to dictate and define what should be the woman’s role and contribution. As a result, the world lacks the moral input of women, who are considered the moral exemplar for humanity, even by many male religious leaders.

About the Author

Ron attended Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa receiving his B.A. in Economics. As a 3 term all-conference basketballer, Ron was inducted into the Coe College athletic hall of fame. After working in corporate America for 15 years, Ron went into business developing consumer products for retail chains in America. In 2012 Ron returned graduate school to pursue his academic goals. Ron spent 1 year at the McCormick Theological Seminary. He then transferred to the University of Chicago Divinity School where he graduated with a M.A. in Religious studies 2015. Ron is continuing his academic pursuits toward a doctorate in psychology at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. Ron has long been interested in the World as it relates to Religion and in Religion as it relates to the World; politically, socially, economically, practically and especially in human relationships. ”Practice what you Preach, Preach what you Practice” is an effort to reconcile the diversity of Religions, their philosophies, doctrines and practices with the world in which they exist. Ron is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Where one person sees a “skeptical impossibility”, another person sees a “realistic possibility” and yet another person has absolute clarity to accomplish what others call impossible.