Rainedrops From Heaven


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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/8/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 110
ISBN : 9781504351287
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 110
ISBN : 9781504351270

About the Book

In Rainedrops from Heaven, Raine, spiritual medium, shares experiences through both her own and her client’s facilitation with those entities on the other side of the veil. This is a very inspiring book that takes the reader on a journey of discovering the possibilities of life after death.

Raine introduces past lives that include personal experiences as well as clients’, under clinical hypnosis, revealing glimpses of past-life recall. This is an opportunity for the reader to deepen their understanding on these subjects.

This book became an award-winning book by winning the NABE Pinnacle Book Award 2015, Readers Favorite Five-Star Book Award, and The Authors Show 2015 “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading.” My thanks goes to the competition organizers of these prestigious awards.

Raine’s previous book, And Rainedrops Fall Down My Cheeks, received two awards for her expertise in writing (NABE and Readers Favorite). Rainedrops from Heaven gives a deeper insight of spiritual learnings for those looking for spiritual guidance and validation. Readers will appreciate the easy way of writing Raine uses as they become more aware of both their surroundings and those around them that are unseen. This book will open yearnings within you for more knowledge of your spiritual potential. It is truly an inspired book.

About the Author

Raine is an international medium who has published “And Rainedrops Fall Down My Cheeks” winning two awards - NABE Pinnacle Book Award in the Category of Spiritual and Readers Favorite Finalist in the Category of Autobiography. Raine’s second book “Rainedrops From Heaven” won three awards - the NABE Pinnacle Book Award, Readers Favorite 5 Star Award and The Authors Show.com entry into their 2015 edition of “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading.” Raine’s third book “Rainedrops Journey To India” won The Authors Show entry into their 2016 edition of “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading” before it even went to print. Raine has an easy way of writing that will touch your heart in places you weren’t even aware of. With a background in the health field and Clinical Hypnotherapist – Raine’s spiritual gifts helped her to become well known as a healer. Raine offers personal and Skype Spiritual Readings as well as Past Life Hypnotherapy sessions. Raine is also a Marriage Celebrant and also does other ceremonies such as Pet Memorials, Name Giving Ceremonies and Funerals. Check out Raine’s website at www.rainedrops.com for more information.