Love Your Gut

A Six-Week Guide to Restoring Your Nutrition and Trusting Your Intuition

by Brandi Mackenzie

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/7/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 318
ISBN : 9781982248376
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 318
ISBN : 9781982248369

About the Book

After a decade of debilitating digestive issues, Brandi Mackenzie was not improving despite the diet changes, supplements and treatments her practitioners were advising. She was doing “everything right” but it still wasn’t enough. She began searching for solutions on her own, realizing that true nourishment was about more than food. Through this process, Love Your Gut was created. Brandi’s background as a certified transformational nutrition coach and holistic chef led her to create a six-week program proven to optimize digestion and revitalize your health through an easy-to-follow framework. Love Your Gut empowers you to better understand your body and intuition in a personalized way so you can feel nourished—beyond food.

About the Author

Brandi Mackenzie believes that if you struggle to change your diet, you don’t have a willpower problem, you have a nourishment problem. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, stop emotional eating, or restore your digestive health, the real reason you can’t put down the sweets, stop snacking of your kid’s plate or make progress with your health issues isn’t because you need to be “more disciplined.” It’s because you’re not truly nourished. Brandi defines nourishment as knowing the exact choices you need to make to create the body and life you feel best in. When your nourishment is aligned, it looks like trusting the choices you make for your body, enjoying your life without feeling restricted, and taking back control of how you want to look and feel. When your nourishment is out of alignment it looks like making choices that leave you feeling burned out, exhausted and uncomfortable in your body. As a Nourishment Coach, Brandi has helped hundreds of people ditch diets, guilt and confusion through her framework. It starts with trusting your gut instincts. She created the Love Your Gut program after healing from multiple digestive conditions herself and realizing that food is only one part of recovery. Love Your Gut is part of the Nourishment Framework which Brandi uses to get her clients remarkable results in their health and lives. To learn more, visit