This book is dedicated to all of us who have continued to make positive growth despite life’s struggles and hardships. It is a token of beauty in which I will share with my family, friends, and the world for years to come. Studying humans and what makes us flourish or perish has brought me to pouring my soul into this project. My hope is that I am not alone with the notion that sharing promotes evolution. All the great leaders, poets, speakers, and authors that took the time to impart their inner voices in order to strengthen mankind have profoundly impacted my life, and contributed greatly to the woman I have become. I invite you on this journey to witness some of life’s most passionate moments. With these we will explore the difficulties that make us question all that defines us, and endure despondency that is so overwhelming it sometimes appears to have no end. Darkness to to be respected and even appreciated. There is no light without dark. There is no joy without pain. Even observing or surviving childbirth makes this concept seem elementary. The agony of it is indescribable for those who have not literally experienced it. Hours upon hours of intense pain followed by the most amazing gift our existence has to offer. To bring life into the world plainly from the love that resides inside all of us is almost inconceivable. People are different in religious background, size, color, gender, and race, but spiritually speaking we are all made from the same cloth. The communication amongst our souls is identical. Love makes us feel elation while loss makes us feel grief. Simplistic as it all may seem, life tests us to the very last boundary that resides in our human selves. Many have preached that life will not ever give us more than we can handle, but how many of you are reading that with a slight smirk on your face. Excel or deteriorate appear to be the two alternatives being offered at any given time. When life decides to allocate increased tribulations it is only then that a choice is made of how to embrace it. With this book I will convey my notions about our journey here on Earth as we try to manage our day to day hardships. There will always be death, sadness, sickness, and struggle in our everyday lives. Learning to find peace and happiness can be challenging in a way that at times seems impossible. With a great deal of help from some of my favorite quotes of all time, and stunning photography that I had the pleasure of taking; let’s discuss a few central concepts about life. Every page holds vital importance to some of the questions we all have regarding life’s expedition. It is my aspiration that when you have finished reading; your inner self will feel compelled to grow in an emphatic way. Considerably or in the most miniscule fashion improvement is an accomplishment none the less. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”