“Happiness is the chief good, the end towards which all other things aim.”
Happiness, everyone wants it, yet not everyone succeeds in finding it. We may want to have more of it, yet not know how to get it. What if simply cultivating the habit of happiness helped you get there? Would you be willing to do what it takes to have
more happiness in your life? Achieving this experience may not be what you think.
This book is inspired by my twenty-plus years of working with clients and is my response to their earnest requests for a simple step-by-step guide capable of helping them overcome the challenges they faced. This is my response to their ever-present, unexpressed, deeper question of what they could do to be happier. Together we discovered how to reclaim their inspiration, regain their influence over their health and actually increase their experience of happiness. It occurred to me that others could also benefit from the acquisition of these skills and the passion and purpose for writing this book was born. I have duplicated as closely as possible the journey that I share with my clients to skillfully navigate life’s inevitable problems so that they become the portals to greater opportunities for a more fulfilled life.
You are holding in your hands an essential guide capable of increasing your inspiration for and your experience of well being, enhancing your health and happiness by establishing the habit of happiness. Happiness is the skill that you can learn here. Habits are the consistent thoughts and feelings that we feed with our time, energy and attention that create neural pathways in the brain and lead to our habitual behaviors and choices; as such these patterns are within our influence and can be changed. The most interesting and surprising discovery while working with my clients, is how similar and predictable our negative patterns and habits actually are. This reveals the true weakness of the ego’s protective mechanisms and allows us to benefit from this predictability, understanding them allows us to develop the skills to transform them. The Habit of Happiness is about acquiring and practicing the skills that can lead to the habits of positivity, faith, and wisdom that then lead to inspired creation, healthy habits and greater happiness.
In response to my clients’ requests for practical help in dealing with fear, grief, loss, depression, anxiety and most of life’s difficulties I created the lifeguides transformation program. This program uniquely combines the most potent transformative tools available and breaks them down into a simple to follow formula including a three-step approach to master the mind and master the emotions. This program contains the spiritual technology (the techniques capable of reconnecting you to your essential nature, your purity, your spirit) capable of establishing happiness as your new habit. You will be supported in gathering the skills that can help you naturally manage your moods and overcome your fears. You will learn how to overcome negative habits and shown how to create new healthy habits.
I am excited to share this journey with you and hopefully inspire you to take the action steps necessary to create the profound and permanent changes that you want that can lead you to a happier life. My goal with this book is to empower you to the point where you can extract the technology from these pages and apply it into your own everyday challenges in an effective way, so you can free yourself to your own potential. I am committed to providing for you the same experience of transformation that my clients have enjoyed that goes far beyond the simple sharing of information and actually inspires you to take the action steps capable of creating your life by design. The happiness in your life depends on your choices and upon the quality of your thoughts and your emotional vibration. If you are looking for an all-natural holistic system of health, wellbeing, and happiness, then this is the place for you.
Inspiration is the divine motivation that arises from the spirit to take innovative and creative action. When our mind, body and spirit are balanced we gain access to our essential nature that is clear, positive, peaceful and powerful. The chakra system is the internal structure (the anatomy, that I invite you to be in right and powerful relationship with) through which you can gain access to your inspiration (your innate motivation towards creation). This empowers you to realize your creative potential so you can create your life and even yourself by design. The anatomy of inspiration shares how to reclaim and awaken that spark of divine motivation to take innovative and creative action. By reading the stories my client’s shared illuminates how you can awaken this essential energy for yourself.
Some people seem to be born lucky and be happier than others; they appear to be born with a temperament that is positive and inspired which gives them a more fulfilled experience of life. Happiness, inspiration and positivity naturally bring many benefits including an ability to discover the opportunities that sit in the center of our challenges, turning difficulties into gifts. This quality, amongst other benefits, does lead to a happier experience of life, and the good news is that if these qualities are not naturally present, they can be learned and integrated as the habit of happiness. Armed with greater self-awareness, a commitment to the choice to be happy, and some potent tools you too can acquire the skills of happiness and actually increase the set point of happiness in your life. You are invited to be the author and artist of your life, your reality and even your biology.