Truth has to be repeated constantly, because error also is being preached all the time, and not just by the few, but by the multitude. In the press and encyclopedias, in schools and universities, everywhere error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having majority on its side.
If we check out the daily news, we could be forgiven for believing that we are a doomed race living on a planet that is heading for self-destruction. More and more chaos appears to prevail in many of the established systems of world governance, and every day we read of atrocities and unacceptable suffering in one part of the world or another. Yet the world is in the process of a major transformation and transition, even though this may not be apparent in mainstream media reportage. This is an era of awakening consciousness on a grand scale. Many are moved to respond to the gentle but persistent calling of their own inner being to recognize and bring forth the gifts of their own deepest wisdom.
Technological advance has enabled us to connect instantly with others all over the world. What is not yet fully realized by the majority is that we are able to do this anyway, without a cell phone or computer. This book is an introduction to the energetic nature of our being. People are sharing and caring about one another much more than may seem immediately obvious. People are connecting with their hearts, and these connections are strengthening daily. There are many examples of the magnificence of “ordinary” human beings that confirm the interconnectedness of all life. “But what has this to do with energy?” you might ask. The following pages confirm how deeply we are all connected, and through the understanding of our energetic nature and conscious experience of our connections to all that is, we will see how each of us through our simple being can and will bring more and more light into the dark places of our world—until finally we have transformation on a global scale that ushers in peace, goodwill, and prosperity for all as our collective reality.
The establishing of right relationship and the will-to-good among all living beings and all the sentient life on planet earth allows humankind to create genuine peace and abundance for all, not just the few. To accomplish this requires first that we establish right relationship with self. This must be the strong foundation from which we build a new world together. When we realize that we are not separated from our source or one other, the will to serve one another becomes our natural way of being. It can be no other way. Ultimately, the magnificence of which I speak is nothing less than getting to know the self as an aspect of source energy and being that. A side effect of not only understanding the concept but actually experiencing the reality is that we begin to live content and fulfilled lives, all our relationships thrive, we understand our purpose, we eradicate limiting belief systems, there is no more repetition of negative behavioral patterns, we live in radiant health, and we achieve our fullest potential as human beings, becoming conscious cocreators with source. Through our cocreations, all aspects of life are enhanced and improved, and this is reflected back to us in the world we inhabit.
The task at hand is no less than to bring source energy fully into our material form, while embodying the knowing that we are not separate from our creator or each other. We are all one being. In order to know this experientially, we emerge into physical life and thereby into the realm of duality on the material plane of earth so that we may experience the many aspects of the source in our own being and in the mirror of other beings. The true reality is there is only one of us in myriad different forms. In this book I challenge you to experience this for yourself as you manifest your magnificence and discover who you really are.
The underlying theme throughout the book is one of synthesis and synergy. Synthesis is defined as the combination of elements to form a connected whole; synergy is the cooperation of two or more elements to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. Manifest Your Magnificence explores the synthesis of science and spirituality; the mind with the body; the higher self with the lower self; energy with consciousness; the synergy of scientific disciplines as scientists work in intentional unison to explore creation; and the synergy of empowered individuals combining their unique, individual magnificence to collaborate to shift planetary consciousness. The convergence of science and spirituality is currently well underway and becoming stronger daily with each new revelation from the scientific community.This reorientation may not yet be consciously realized by the protagonists, but it will be self-evident after an exploration of the evidence. It is my intention that the book do what it can to bring their obvious commonality into more public awareness and be instrumental in furthering the cause of unification between the two branches of human knowledge.