Teenage Zen (2nd Edition)

A Simple Path to Academic Success and Inner Peace

by John George

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/14/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781452526904
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781452526911

About the Book

Does your child lack motivation for studying and is easily distracted by new technology?

Do they get frustrated by not knowing how to study effectively?

Do they study but freeze in exams?

In Teenage Zen, Author John George outlines his four-step system to academic success as well as a range of other simple, effective strategies for studying smarter, alleviating exam stress, and understanding what really stops students from learning.

John explains why more teenagers are becoming addicted to video games and the Internet and how to have a balance between work and play.

Teenage Zen also outlines John’s Five Keys to Inner Peace, which provides young people with a simple system for remaining calm and resilient so nobody can push their buttons and they can stay on their path to pursuing their passions.

“This book will leave teenagers with no more excuses why they can’t do well at school. An essential read for parents, students and teachers” – Cathy M. - Teacher, Sydney, Australia


About the Author

For the past 12 years, John has worked as a high school teacher. He has also done over 8000 hours of tutoring and developed a simple tick-the-box system for academic success. John is also a motivational speaker in high schools and a life coach.
