
The Burning Trilogy

by Missy Reynolds

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/19/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781452596730
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781452596723
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781452596716

About the Book

Two ordinary teens become extraordinary,
when the Super meets the natural.

Margo, a nobody at high school who longs for something more than the ordinary, hopes her dream of burning hands will lead her to adventure. But, it’s only a dream.

Bastion, a mysterious boy, moves from the mountains of Tennessee to the flat country of New Jersey, perking Margo’s interest as her new neighbor. As he struggles with adjusting to a new place and his secretive past which is hidden in blood and shadows, evil seeks to destroy his life.

Inadvertently, as their relationship develops, Bastion entangles them both in a deadly cat-and-mouse game, as Margo’s dream of fiery hands intensify. She seeks for answers, leading her to some unlikely help, raising the question if a higher power can save them or if they are truly alone in this world.

They must choose a side in a supernatural war that has been raging for centuries, while they struggle to find out who they are. As they are thrown into a world they never knew existed between angels and demons, they are faced with tough questions and even tougher realities. They soon learn the role they play between Heaven and Earth, is the key to everything.

About the Author

Missy Reynolds is inventive and dramatic, scheming up plots and stories since she was a young girl. With her head in the clouds, she spends her days seeking the truth. Inspired, she writes about the things not seen by the natural eye with a depth of creativity, unveiling the veil.