Monday Messages

Reflections on Life, Leadership, and Learning in Our Schools

by Lou Antonetti

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/14/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781452596044
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781452596037

About the Book

While living the “code of conduct” in our high school of over 2,400 students, it was easy to see that procedures can only be enforced when the principles behind them are fully understood. The human side of education is something that is lacking as we prepare for state assessments and bring attention to those who conduct themselves inappropriately. The microcosm of a world we live in within our schools sometimes makes us rigid and non-trusting due to the need to control student behavior. We have found in our high school that student disciplinary referrals decreased by 50% because of the trust that was achieved with our students. By using life lessons in the formal, curriculum based education process, you not only promote good morals and values, but you remind people that there is a bigger picture. The weekly messages, quotes and vignettes contained in this book will hopefully inspire you to not only be a better educator, student or coach but also a better person for your family, friends and co-workers. It is important to reflect on our behavior since our reputation is based on our daily interactions and habits. I have never heard of anyone who has bought back their reputation once it was lost. Leadership by example, at home and in the workplace, along with an “ego-less” demeanor, will allow us to be great leaders, both in our schools and personal lives.

About the Author

Lou Antonetti graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2000 with a BA in economics. He then earned his school administration degree and is currently the principal of one of the largest high schools in New York State. He resides in Suffolk County, NY with his wife Christina and two children, Savannah and Charles. You can also follow Lou on Twitter: @sachemhseast.