What Happens When We Cross Over into Heaven?
Every soul is given the opportunity to cross over into heaven. Our way is lit by an incredible white light that is almost blinding in its brilliance and shimmers with facets of rainbow colors on the outer edges. Heavenly delegates, which can include deceased loved ones, angels, spirit guides, and past spiritual masters, are there to greet us and to guide us as we journey to heaven.
Once we have crossed, the veil is lifted and we are once again reunited with the knowledge and understanding that may have eluded us while we were in human form. We review our lives in a nonjudgmental way to see how our souls progressed on their earthly journey. It is at this time that we are asked the question: "How have you loved?" Forgiveness, healing, and compassion are extended to us as we explore and understand the reasons we acted the way we did and the choices we made, including how we gave and received love.
Our souls continue to evolve while in heaven but in a more joyous way. We learn new skills, volunteer for jobs and special assignments, and learn to exist within the peace and harmony that surrounds us as we await our reunions with members of our soul groups—our families, friends, and loved ones—who have yet to cross over. Some may choose to come back to earth for more lessons; however, most choose to wait for the reunions with their most intimate soul groups before coming back again.
Coping with the Loss of a Loved One
When loved ones cross over into heaven, it can be a painful emotional experience for those who are left behind. We grieve because we miss the physical closeness of the person or pet whose presence made a difference in our lives. Even though they remain connected to us in spirit, it can be challenging to cope with the changes to our daily living. In essence, our loved ones are continuing on a spiritual journey that we cannot take with them because we are meant to stay here on earth and fulfill our own life purposes.
The feelings of loss can be devastating and heart–wrenching. Trying to continue on with our lives may be problematic as grief threatens to overwhelm our emotional well–being. Grief is a natural feeling that accompanies loss; however, grief can be lessened with knowledge. Knowing that our spirits do not die with our physical bodies lessens the pain of physical separation from our loved ones and changes our perceptions of the finality of death.
How Spirit Communicates with Mediums
Many people that I meet have questions about how I communicate with spirits. Some of them are under the impression that it is only a straightforward conversation with a spirit or a video provided by spirits that tells me everything I need to know. This is not the case. Even though portions of the communications come across that way, most of it is much more complex than that.
Spirits communicate with me through a series of images, feelings, physical indicators, thoughts, tastes, smells, outward signs, instant knowledge, and in countless other ways. I explain to the recipients of my spirit medium readings that the information I receive is like an abstract puzzle that needs to be pieced together.
As I progress through a reading, I focus on the task of accurately receiving, interpreting, and sharing the information transferred to me by spirit. First and foremost, I need to determine who is coming through and their relationship to you, as well as the specific messages that spirit wants to share with you. The ultimate purpose of spirits coming through is to provide you with healing, whether that is in the form of reassurance that they are in heaven, guidance about your life, or the sharing of love.
Spirits use symbols, imagery, sounds, aromas, tastes, thoughts, and feelings that I have stored within my memory, also known as my databank. Since my databank of experiences is unique to me, symbols, sounds, and images that come through for me may have an entirely different meaning for another medium. For example, during a reading, I was sent an image of a car that was the make and model of a car my father owned in the 1980s. The car I saw was medium brown (my father's had been light blue), and it was parked on a paved road that ran through a field of summer wheat. There was a young tree under which the car was parked. As I was receiving this image, I was hearing "1980" in my mind. I shared the descriptions of the images and the date with the recipient of the reading. As she was taking notes about what I said, I was getting an image of a young woman with brown hair, as well as the feeling of her presence next to me. After providing a description of her physical attributes and personality traits, my client acknowledged that the woman was a relative who had passed in 1980. Instantly, all of the information I had been sent made sense. The year of her passing was represented by the car. The brown was for the color of her hair. The wheat was displaying the time of year when she passed—summertime. The field looked like the one in the cemetery where my best friend was buried. As the images rapidly flickered through my mind again, additional information was being provided by this young woman in spirit. All of a sudden, I knew that this young woman had passed away in the same manner as my best friend, Michele. I also knew that the image of the tree represented her age at the time of her death, which was before she reached full maturity. As I shared this information with the recipient of the reading, she confirmed that all of the above was true. Now that is what I call a very abstract and creative way for spirit to communicate!
It always amazes me how inventive spirits are when communicating with me. They often overlap symbols, thoughts, feelings, and physical indicators to express their messages. One interesting fact, of which you may not be aware, is that our deceased loved ones in heaven also need to learn how to communicate with and through mediums. This knowledge is gained, not conferred upon us when we reside in heaven. Of course, once a soul learns how to do this, the knowledge does not go away.