The Angel Safe in Your Heart

Messages of Love, Hope and Healing for the Bereaved

by Annie Hopkinson

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/4/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 44
ISBN : 9781452581989
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 44
ISBN : 9781452581972

About the Book

This guide offers messages of love, hope and healing for the bereaved.

The Angel Safe in Your Heart seeks to make the loss and shock of bereavement more bearable. This book is written with love for all adults and older children who are grieving after the death of a loved one. It is written for people of all faiths and for people without religion.

Healing is encouraged in The Angel Safe in Your Heart through the reliability of love and the beauty that is all around us in Nature. This is done by exploring feelings of love and loss through sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, relationships, and memories.

The Angel Safe in Your Heart has been a short time in the writing and a lifetime in the making. It provides commonalities that anybody experiencing the pain of loss will be able to identify with.

The publication of The Angel Safe in Your Heart has been inspired by the courage and quiet dignity of people all over the world who have loved and lost, often under tragic circumstances.

I hope it will help you find some comfort after the death of a loved one.

“Grief is a hollowing, humbling journey. The comforting reminder of our subtle connections to each other, coupled with its pure, magical imagery, makes this book a soft blanket to wrap around any aching heart.”
Lucinda Drayton, writer and singer of A Hundred Thousand Angels.


About the Author

Annie Hopkinson (author) works as a secondary school and prison teacher in the United Kingdom. Previously, she was a journalist BBC Television, where she worked with many top UK and American actors and directors.
Annie is a contributing author to the 2012 edition of the Gratitude Book Project, and has also written a clear and straightforward guide for novice pet owners called Choosing a Pet: A New Owner’s Guide to the Basic Needs of Companion Animals.
Annie lives in Kent, England, with her husband and many companion animals. More details of her work can be found through her conservation education business, Tiger Lion Creatives or through her author website . Annie has a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a master’s degree in Education. She is proud to be a Fellow of the Zoological Society of London.

Annie b. (illustrator) lives in Cornwall with her husband and son, and it is here she has developed her own unique style and language, in oils, watercolours and chalk pastels, creating art from the heart for wellbeing, as well as running Art from the Heart Workshops using guided meditation to help people connect to their hearts and creativity. For more details of Annie b.’s work and options to buy originals, prints and cards of images in The Angel in Your Heart, please visit her website at Annie b. says: “My aim is to create artwork that helps us all feel love and joy, see the bigger picture and the natural flow of life so that we all may dance in harmony together, be mindful of mother earth and each other, and know the Divine Oneness we truly are.”