The Creating CoPOWERment® Workbook

Embracing the Power of Positive Psychology, Healing Stories and Explorations to Create the Life You Want

by Lani Kwon MA

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/20/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 246
ISBN : 9781452579306
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 246
ISBN : 9781452579283
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 246
ISBN : 9781452579290

About the Book

The Creating CoPOWERment® Workbook: Embracing the Power of Positive Psychology, Healing Stories and Explorations to Create the Life You Want encourages readers to explore choices, visualize outcomes, and set priorities. This workbook is informal and informative, never preachy. It provides readers with the shared true-life stories of past Creating CoPOWERment® clients and body-mind-spirit practitioners, balanced with the scientific results of positive psychology studies conducted over the past thirty years or more in the areas of optimism, self-compassion, goal-setting, meaningful work, and success. Thought-provoking, hands-on explorations at the end of each chapter support readers in discovering their motivations and ideals in planning step-by-step changes for better living.

• Discover what motivates you to use your strengths to create the life you want.

• Learn how your unexamined thoughts and beliefs hold you back from achieving your goals.

• Transform obstacles into lessons and markers of success.

• Align with like-minded-hearted-souled allies, organizations, and communities.

• Find out what your life purpose really is and step-by-step how to get there.

Creating CoPOWERment® is a phrase the author coined to describe the empowering interactions that take place when people who are going through life transitions come together in groups or partner one-on-one. People who have participated in Creating CoPOWERment® have reported that they are able to identify better life options when they have an opportunity to share their experiences, beliefs, and resources with others.

About the Author

Lani Kwon, MA, Founder of the Creating CoPOWERment® Center LLC, provides clients with step-by-step tools for life transformation. She has over two decades of experience in crisis counseling, teaching, public-speaking, and writing. Lani is a Newfield Network® Graduate Coach (2011-2012) and has been a member of the International Coach Federation since 2006. She serves and supports people going through life transitions such as graduation, career change, identity crisis, coming out, moving, pregnancy, adoption, divorce, recovery, retirement, and others. Based in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, she offers workshops for groups, presents larger lectures for companies and non-profit organizations, and provides online, teleconferencing and in-person one-on-one coaching worldwide. Lani is also a mom, photographer, and jewelry maker.