My teaching guide Ishamcvan first made contact with me in 1998 and through him I have taken a kind of dictation of his words. He told me at the time that I was chosen to do this work because of his belief that I would record and transmit his message with exact clarity and without any changes whatsoever, because it is essential that only true spiritual messages are given to people in our world.
Even though his words were coming fast and furious, and I was writing about 200,000 words a year, it took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that spirit was speaking to me and it was not a fantasy of my own imagination. I asked him one day, why me, and he simply said, “Why not?”
The following is Ishamcvan’s summary of basic spirituality as discussed in the first book in answer to various questions presented to him. He said:
“I will explain to you first about spirit entities and spirituality. Spirit is nothing more than an essence. It has no form and only takes on a physical body in order for it to pass through your world on earth, on your progression to learn. I will talk later about the lessons. Can we imagine then an essence that has no physical body, yet comes and goes from our spiritual world, our home world, to the next, your world, and back with ease and simplicity that is beyond definition?
Your spirit or soul as it is sometimes called, is you. You are not your body or your mind. You could be a genius in this life and a simpleton in the next, but your spirit is the same. Try to learn to know your spirituality, which is you, not your body or your mind.
A spirit is on its own path yet is part of the essence of spirituality as a whole. But I have said that spirit has no form so how can it be part of a whole? As a molecule of a cloud is in itself alone yet part of the cloud which is a whole.
So let us look at one spirit entity as part of a whole spirit entity and see what we have and what is its purpose.
It is said that God, which we will call the highest spirit, was alone. In order to make observations of itself it had to become more than it was. It had to see itself, which it could not do, as a one. a high cluster of one. So it made hundreds of thousands of spirits as little versions of itself so that these spirits could see spirituality and the high spirit for what it was and what it represented. These tiny spirit entities, which were made at various times, had the irresistible urge to purify and make themselves as good as the highest spirit entity. So each was put on a journey and during its path of discovery it was presented with many tests and challenges which it had to pass to be able to call itself more spiritual and have the full understanding of spirituality itself.
The path of spiritual progression therefore has come from nothing to us as we are today and on and on ad infinitum, way beyond our line of visions, to get to the ultimate, the highest spirit. They are a bit like turtles that are born on a beach a great distance from the water. Their instinct tells them that to survive and grow they have to get to the water. They climb obstacles and go on a very twisted route if necessary, all to get to their goal.
I am not saying at all that we are conscious of the purpose of our spiritual journey, but we have to understand it in order to progress in a more smooth and accelerated rate.
So, back to you as spirit entities that are at present occupying a body on earth in order to learn lessons, experience many things, and use your own spiritual understanding to tackle problems and deal with people and situations as and when they arise. I will say to you that love is the only key to open your understanding. For if you are without pure love you are without true spirituality. Love should be given unquestionably and without expecting anything in return. If you have true love for all things, including animals and humans then you are, by giving love, connecting with them spirit-to-spirit and not body-to-body. There is a big difference. Your progression as a spirit entity has started from nothing yet is a one in the world of spirituality, which we will call the next plane of existence, or home. That is where we live and we only return to earth to learn or help others to learn if we are chosen to spend a life on earth assisting someone else. For helping others we learn too.
Your spirit has journeyed through bodies such as an amoeba to a shrimp to a bird, a fish, a dolphin, a tiger, an elephant, which is one of the highest levels of spirit in an animal body. From there you progressed to a human. Although you had some spiritual knowledge by then, you were naïve and had to learn. From the next plane of existence, your home and resting place between lives, you can see all things spiritual. You know your path to the higher spirits, what you have already learnt and what you need to learn in order to progress. So from there you chose to have several things to experience in a life on earth. Maybe suffering; maybe humility; maybe jealousy. You also chose your guide, another spirit entity, to be with you throughout that life to give you support and help you, if you ask him, whenever necessary. You are then ready to go to earth. You chose your parents for the lessons they could teach you, or for what you could teach them, and then you are born. Once back on earth you have your spiritual memory taken away from you, although your karma has been set and cannot be altered. Karma is something like a database. It is personal to you and contains all the necessary files about your existence as a spirit entity. Once you have successfully experienced something you get a check mark so to speak, and are therefore richer in your spirituality. You will go through your life, jumping or crawling over the hurdles not realizing that these in themselves are making you richer than if you had had a wonderful idyllic life with no problems and no lessons. This theory in itself explains misery and suffering and the strength that some people have in overcoming these in a saintly way. Because of this you must realize that everyone on earth is at different stages of progression, although in their bodies they all look the same. Can you see their spiritual advancement? No, but you can know it instinctively or by progressing in your awareness”.