You are psychic, deep down in your heart; you know that these words are true. Everyone has psychic abilities; we have hunches, gut feelings, premonitions, or we just simply know things. As we develop further we start to use our gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience, we awaken our intuition and we are ready to learn at a deeper level. We all have the opportunity to develop these skills if we wish to, or to ignore them if the time isn’t right for us to make spiritual progress. Everyone will benefit from reading this book if they work with the exercises and meditations. It is exciting to be able to read for others with your heart and soul and with truth and accuracy.
You are a spiritual being having an earth life in a physical body. You have a strong connection to the spirit world and to your spiritual guides and angels. The exercises in this book will teach you how to work with energy and to strengthen your ability to connect to your guides.
You have chosen your guides to suit your learning in this lifetime. Healing guides, teaching guides, guides for protection and to guide you on your journey.
Where do we come from? We come from the divine intelligence, which sent out over sixty million divine sparks of consciousness into our Universe to enable us to learn and to grow spiritually. Imagine a huge brilliant sun with white and gold luminous light, sending out sparks into our Universe. This would look life fire cracker night, with a magnificent ball of brilliant light sending out a myriad of glowing sparks which become monads, and smaller balls of light, holding the intelligence of thousands souls.
Each monad holds the memories of the Universe and of the Creator. At the head of each monad we find twin souls who oversee the journey of everyone from their monad, whilst learning higher lesson themselves.
An example would be the monad, which has St Germain and Lady Portia as the twin’s souls. St Germaine is also the head of the seventh ray, the violet ray of transmutation and is available to a lot of people to help them to let go of the past, release past lives and to move forward towards enlightenment and awareness. Lady Portia works in the shadow lands with the damaged souls who are struggling to find balance and harmony on the other side. She teaches you how to balance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. She is a very strong and focused woman filled with wisdom and mercy.
We all come from different monads, monads which are comprised of many people and their aspects. Over time, and hundreds of lives we lose touch with this information. As we have more and more lives, and as our energy gets heavier, we forget where we have come from, and indeed why we are here. In our hearts we are yearning for something but have forgotten what it is that is missing from our hearts, and our lives. We forget about the unconditional love which is available to all of us at any time, we forget about the love we share with our monad, soul mates and guides.
We have elected to come to earth, to work with strengthening our emotional bodies and to understand duality. We are all striving to find love of self and to love and help others. Each divine spark sent out from the creator or divine consciousness created a monad, a base for us to work from and to connect to our higher self and other aspects. Each monad sends out soul groups. Imagine the huge sun sending out basketballs of light called monads and each basketball or monad sends out twelve oranges called soul groups.
Can you picture the monad, a large ball of light sending our twelve smaller balls of light called soul groups?
Each soul group creates a base for us to come and go from earth and for our lessons. As we have many lessons on this beautiful planet we come and go from here lots of times.
You are one of these personalities; each time we come to earth it is with the intention of improving ourselves and redefining our personality. We strive to work with sound virtues like unconditional love, tolerance, patience, understanding and fairness.
Each personality has many archetypal patterns to work with and to extend their knowledge. It is a huge picture, but we are all still connected to the source, to our creator, to our twin souls who supervise our monad and to our higher-self who is the mentor of our individual soul group, giving us access to all knowledge when we are ready to learn. As students of life, we will at some stage connect to our spirit guides, and to our higher selves to receive information, advice and guidance. We are never alone, our guides are always around us loving us and encouraging us.
Are you psychic? Of course you are, you are a wonderful spiritual being, filled with joyfulness, tenderness and inspiration. You are a co-creator of your life and of your world. You have access to all information, you have the ability to connect to guidance and inner truth, and you can work with good teachers on earth who are eager to offer you assistance. When the time is right for you, you will learn how to meditate, and to work with the spiritual discipline required to work with your spiritual teachers, as they take you through sets of lessons. You need a few minutes a day, then, when you are ready, you will start building this time up, to ten minutes, then twenty minutes, then thirty minutes. You will come to enjoy this special time with your guides and teachers and look forward to the lessons they bring.
This book is designed to help you to become a psychic reader.