Twelve Doorways of Light: A Portal to your God-Self epitomizes a holy portal of light—God’s divine qualities of love—activating the Stargate of the heart, the Tree of Life within “you” and in all life—for all beings and all life to embrace. This work holds a sacred space for all human beings to move into unity consciousness. When crossing that bridge, true consciousness of unbounded love is revealed, well-being and divine creativity are released in limitless forms and expressions.
My soul’s purpose is to bring together all beings in love through the multiple creative expressions life has gifted me with—revering the sacredness in all life. This work came into being in furtherance of our global shift in consciousness, in service to the Light encompassing all of creation—in furtherance of world peace and harmony.
As a teenager and young adult, I began an unrelenting search for the freedom of my soul. I searched to discover the most sacred aspect of my being, an opening door to the light and an experience of God—a pathway to “home”. I began practicing meditation, yoga, and energy healing work to discover infinite dimensions of life.
When creating this compilation, my primary incentive originated from my experience working with people and animals as a spiritual practitioner, and all the gifts emanating from these experiences through God’s divine guidance. These experiences have been gifts of joy from life, inspiring the birthing of this compilation with my second book and its unique creative approach.
My path and inner search have granted me with the blessing to bestow twelve creative “doorways of light” reflected in an artistic symbolic expression, supporting individual and global divine transcendence. This artistic representation epitomizes the essence of this book. This artwork is available in my book, Twelve Doorways of Light: Sacredness of Life, and on my website:
These artistic expressions and insights are designed to support an awakening of our light bodies from the heart—awakening to divine cosmic consciousness, an experience of the one heart and mind of God—God’s consciousness—inviting divine creativity and divine co-creative partnership in furtherance of peace and harmony for all beings.
If we do not resist this shift and awakening, we are on our way to experience unity consciousness. Every human being has to do his or her part to choose and invite a resonance that is of God’s divine qualities of love—of the Tree of Life—of the supreme heart and mind of God.
Your unified heart is illuminated with love and is illuminating your mind. You have opened the portal to your God-Self. You are experiencing the heart and mind of God. It is a consciousness inviting Heaven on Earth. This divine union reveals the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life within you and in all life—God consciousness within you and in all life.
Throughout the book, I focus on twelve main aspects of life and God’s divine qualities of love, in furtherance of a soul consciousness awakening—inviting peace on Earth. I explore the multidimensionality of life navigating through multiple aspects of life, synergistically inviting the expression of God’s qualities—the twelve aspects of God.
This journey takes you within the consciousness of your true divine identity in sacred ways, immersing in the heart of hearts and of your divine presence. The heart of hearts is the heart of God. This work is guiding you to discover and explore higher levels of consciousness—you are awakening now.
From that place of awareness, it is possible to explore the wonders of life—to be of service in harmony as a living force of love, a radiant sun. Living within this fundamental consciousness leads to an awakening of timeless dimensional light realities and miracles occur.
Such a path evolves toward an understanding of our relationships with the physical world and the spirit world—and our connection with nature’s intelligence to ultimately embrace with joy and reverence all the sacredness of life.
This creative work is easily accessible to people from all faiths, beliefs, nations, and worlds. To speak to “God” and of “God,” please use the name you feel connected with. In your heart and soul, it will be the right name for you. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and expressed in infinite aspects and names such as Divine Consciousness, The Creator, Source, Divine Presence, or Love Life Force—sempiternal and unconditional, inherently at the source and light of All That Is.
I offer guidelines and solutions to awaken our greatest creative potential in order to live a blissful, meaningful life, and to build a peaceful world together. Your gifts are an expression of your divine nature. From your gifts, your purpose and mission are revealed.
I am inviting you on a path of discovery where the personality is gently transcended with love so that the soul is free to express its infinite beauty and divine qualities. It is the rebirth of the personality in its purest form and emanation. It is a place where the mind recognizes the qualities of the heart, immersing deeper and deeper within its consciousness of boundless unconditional love. Your heart is holding your sacred code, your holy name, and your signature. It is a holy sound frequency unique to you.
As we are impelled to embrace increasing light, everything that does not match that light comes forth for healing. It is a global shift, a synchronized transmutation and an awakening. I have chosen to contribute to that awakening of the heart, by sustaining a consciousness of the sacred and pure love for all life—in the best of my ability. It is my joy, mission, and purpose—and it is your purpose!
Thank you for joining me on that journey for love and in love, for peace and in peace.
“I am a part of a higher force and design. It is a holy force. When I pay attention to it, accept it and embrace it, I realize that it is divine love consciousness, loving me boundlessly. I then realize that this force lives in me.”
Sarah Jeane