Letting Go of Resistance: The Inner Work Journey is the present stage of my efforts to achieve a spiritual awakening, sharing with others as my inner essence evolves. The book demonstrates how the inner work philosophy became a way of life for me and how you can attain that philosophy as well. The principles of inner work are for those individuals seeking spiritual awareness and growth. The principles are for individuals who are ready to make dynamic changes in their lives and who are able to break through their toxic and self-destructive beliefs. Individuals who are ready to make a paradigm shift and to share with humanity will benefit from these principles. Readers of the book will be exposed to ways in which to free themselves from a self-made prison of thoughts and false beliefs leading into a spiritual awakening, maintaining that state of mind in all of their interactions for the rest of their lives. As you read this book, you will be able to pull yourself into this new awareness of living in the here and now where you will experience peace, serenity, and bliss in your daily life. When you experience what I am describing in the book, I know that you will begin to comprehend the spiritual power that awaits you. Furthermore, because we all carry the seed of enlightenment within us, I frequently speak with the essence within.
I suggest that after each chapter, you may want to stop and reflect on what you just read, become silent and experience the feelings of what you have learned. Do this often as you read, and do not be surprised when you do this naturally and instinctively. As you read the chapters, the meanings of toxic ego, dark night of the soul, inner essence and spiritual awakening may not be completely evident at first. Nevertheless, keep reading. Many challenging questions may arise as you read. They will most likely be answered as you continue to read, or you may determine that the questions are unimportant as you go deeper into your inner essence.
As you read, become aware of any “feelings” that may arise, any familiar feelings from deep within. “What you do not know that you do not know” will begin to surface within you because at some level, you already know. All I can do is to guide you through the journey of finding your true essence. As you read through the book, you may want to put aside what you already know in order to let in this new information so as to prevent any confusion. Allow me to demonstrate to you ways in which to reach down into the core of your existence to show where to find what you already have.
I have included action exercises that: (1) demonstrate how to release the toxic ego, bringing the reader instantly into the present; (2) provide basic rules for letting go of resistance by living in the present; (3) demonstrate how to release the toxic ego and awaken the reader’s consciousness to his or her physical senses; and (4) demonstrate how to communicate with the inner essence through letter writing. Through the practice of these exercises, the reader should learn how to take responsibility for choices and decisions that are made and how to get rid of the tormenting phantoms of the past, thereby experiencing a spiritual awakening. I have also provided narratives from individuals who have practiced the principles of inner work. These individuals offered insight into what their beliefs were, what they became, and how their lives changed drastically by opening themselves to the inner work journey.
For the most part, I have attempted to keep Letting Go of Resistance as straightforward as possible in order to reach a broad spectrum of individuals. The principles of inner work are not religious. The principles can be beneficial to anyone regardless of his or her beliefs. Because inner work focuses on what is within us.