Over the years, Ursula and I both became known as the Gratitude Girls. No matter what circle we were in, we were called upon to conjure up (usually impromptu) mood-setting words of thanks. When we gathered for meals, started meetings at our faith communities, began an athletic event, or sat in community with others, people turned to us to honor the presence of Our Creator and call positive, loving energy into our service, work and play.
That day, at the coffee shop so many years ago, whether we realized or not (probably not), Universal Intentions started to ignite inside us.
Universal Intentions is a combination of inspired intentions, universal wisdom, self-reflective questions and habit-forming actions. It’s like you are holding one end of a golden thread while the other end is tethered to a Universal Power Source. As spiritual people, no matter what our religious journey has been, we know this golden thread of faith can summon our Higher Power to bring good things into our lives. Constant focus on our deepest intentions provides an elevated opportunity for our wishes to be realized.
As you become more aware of, and grateful for, your relationship with the Great Creator, you are increasingly present to the state of mind you live in. It is incredibly important to pay attention to the fires ignited inside you. If you do not know what inspires you, what saddens you, or how certain people (or situations) impact and shift your energy, you will not be able to transform yourself from the inside out.
This book is about noticing first and action last. Noticing takes time, patience, and persistence. And, it’s about being gentle with yourself. This is not a how to book but it is a you already know how to book, empowering you to deliberately and intentionally move yourself toward higher levels of awareness every day of your life.
Ursula and I have been on a journey of self-discover for more than a decade. I have found wisdom working with young people in my faith community and in my career as a human services communications professional. I am inspired when I witness and write about the resiliency of the human spirit, especially youth who overcome great adversity. Ursula Pottinga and her business partner, Ann Betz have worked with the art and science of human transformation and consciousness
A Relationship Ended
Help us Great Creator
Move past the past
And shift into forgiveness and future.
No longer together
But respecting the universal family still,
We ask you for a new beginning.
Our souls yearn for peace after the pain
Of a relationship now ended.
Let our healing be transcending.
Holy One,
May we respect new roles
In our respective new lives.
May we release each other
And let go.
We desire to heal
And be whole
Once again.
Allow us to soar into spirituality.
May we peacefully lay aside our differences.
And demonstrate forgiveness.
Help us know our togetherness has great meaning.
We seek to step beyond earth bound criticism
And try
To trust in one another once again.
As just friends.
Universal Wisdom: Forgiveness is rocky and mountainous – it demands that pride be set aside. Forgiveness requires us to move through the hurt shared with another - whether or not we feel they have earned or deserve our forgiveness. Perhaps the hardest part of forgiveness is we are expected to forgive over and over again, sometimes for the same offense.
Reflection Questions: Look at any ending in your life. Notice and reflect on the challenges this ending brought you. Then, consider the opportunities that arose. It could be the ending of a job, the loss of a home, a relationship etc. What did you learn about yourself?
Take Action: Focus on one relationship this week that needs healing. Start with forgiving yourself in some small way. Then forgive one small thing about the other person. Full forgiveness for everything is not attainable without forgiveness in small doses.