The Altar of the Initiate

Insight Into the Cycles of Enlightenment

by Matthew Cosgrove

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/2/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452559223
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452559230
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452559216

About the Book

The map to healing, expansion, and enlightenment, this companion volume to Artisans of the New Earth allows you to

• locate yourself on this fascinating map of human evolution crafted through the framework of the Seven Directions—an indigenous understanding of the trajectory of soul development;

• understand that what many are now living on the Earth, and what had previously been limited to a small number of individuals, is what has been called through the ages as the Shamanic Birth;

• discover from the timeless perspective they offer—why, for a growing number of people, working with the multiple dimensions of existence has actually become a natural part of human maturity and a stepping-stone on the path to enlightenment; and

• be guided through this profound and grounding finely detailed map as it demystifies the passage through each stage and development of human awareness, finishing at the tumultuous process of enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

• understand the magnitude and meanings of what the current Earth changes really are and the adjustments required for the assimilation of these energies.

Through its warm narrative, Cosgrove explores the stages of addiction and illness, and then moves into the world of artistry and expanded perception. He then points readers further, indicating that shamanic birth is merely a milestone on the way to enlightenment. Profound and grounding, and drawing its foundation from indigenous North American, Celtic and Vedic teachings, this finely detailed trajectory serves to demystify the passage through each stage of your development, and to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the soul through which you can heal yourself and others.

—Rachel Freeman, BComm, is a freelance writer and editor specializing in the field of

consciousness and human evolution.

About the Author

Matthew Cosgrove was born and still lives in the Ottawa valley in central Canada. He spent the first part of his life working as an independent artisan where he developed his practical approach to Spirituality and Shamanism. Beginning his Spiritual practice at age 16 quickly opened him up to his multidimensionality, and over a 3-year period, beginning at age 30 he underwent a profound Spiritual transformation and began to receive the vision on which this book is based.

This vision, and the pragmatic approach of his Shamanic practice have allowed him to adapt this ancient healing modality to identify, and effectively treat the fragmentation of the self. This fragmentation, which he calls The Subdivision of the Kingdom, caused by the false identification with ego mind is what he sees as the real impediment to wellness facing us today.

His non-academic writing style speaks directly from experience. His words speak directly into, and awaken the heart of the reader, enticing them to embrace their inherent gifts that are described in this book.

In 1987 he and his wife founded the Bioenergetic Institute and later Earth Based Healing, both dedicated to the practice, teaching, and research of Shamanism.

For contacting him or for information about upcoming events and workshops and retreats visit: