Graceful Divorce Solutions

A Comprehensive and Proactive Guide to Saving You Time, Money, and Your Sanity

by M. Marcy Jones

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/28/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781452596273
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781452596259
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781452596266

About the Book

“Divorce doesn’t have to be a hideous thing. Graceful Divorce Solutions: A Comprehensive and Proactive Guide to Saving You Time, Money, and Your Sanity is a guide to happier divorces, some to many at first sight seems like an oxymoron. Advising readers to remember their family, understand their needs, understand why you’re breaking up, and more, Graceful Divorce Solutions is a thoughtful read anyone who wants to end their union with less bad blood should consider.”—MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW, Oregon, Wisconsin
“If you care about your well-being and the well-being of your children while going through a divorce, you need to read this book.”—CHERYL RICHARDSON, NY Times bestselling author of Take Time for Your Life, Stand up for Your Life, The Unmistakable Touch of Grace, and The Art of Extreme Self-Care
Challenging conventional wisdom and lawyering styles and dispelling myths about divorce, Graceful Divorce Solutions is a wake-up call, legal consultation, and a shout-out to your common sense—all in one.
Whether you’re going through divorce or just thinking about divorcing, this compassionate and comprehensive book is a useful guide. It is brimming with practical information, realistic expectations, and sage advice, all of which can put you on the path to achieving a better and more mindful divorce experience.

About the Author

M. MARCY JONES is an author, speaker, lawyer, and advocate for change. She has practiced family law since 1995. She went to Washington & Lee University School of Law after her own divorce and with two young children at home, and has worked as a domestic-violence prosecutor and then in private practice. Marcy is a settlement expert and conflict-resolution advocate, specializing in collaborative practice. She is also a trained mediator and certified personal coach. She lives in Lynchburg, Virginia.