Empowering Your Soul

Buckle Up for the Wildest Ride of Your Life

by Glensy-Kay

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/13/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9781452507576
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 7.5x9.25
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9781452507569

About the Book

We are on a fascinating journey of life, of living, and of learning to create for ourselves the life we always wanted: a life that fits neatly around the “health, wealth, and happiness” that most of us have always been striving for.

Why haven’t we been able to create this life? What has prevented us from having this mythical health, wealth, and happiness? Some have it and then lose it or throw it away. So often we either can’t create it, or we lose it because we have had absolutely no idea of how the energies of life work.

This is what this book is all about—helping you to understand how life works, and in that place you can then create your dreams. You become empowered to make better choices.

Not everyone comprehends the very basic foundation of life: that we do create the reality in which we live. When you read this book, you will understand just how important this is.

It is a valuable read for all those seeking answers to the meaning of life. We need this information to enable us to better understand and live in the new future we are in the process of creating.

About the Author

Glenys-Kay lives in New Zealand, and after a long journey of spiritual learning and understanding, she now teaches metaphysics and self-empowerment, blending the science of spirituality with mainstream sciences. Her teachings are fascinating journeys into the unknown, and her passion for her work gives a different meaning to health and wellness.