Awareness Centered Training - ACT

by Maureen Ross

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/24/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 418
ISBN : 9781452557533
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 418
ISBN : 9781452557557
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 418
ISBN : 9781452557540

About the Book

Trainers, behaviorists, and big businesses have embraced the liberal use of positive techniques, philosophies and equipment for decades. Accompanying this is the buzz about leadership, alpha statuses, along with advice on what we should or shouldn’t feed our dogs, when to feed them, and how much to feed them. What if it is as simple as ABC and 123—breathing, eating, playing and smiling? Awareness Centered Training (ACT) gives us permission to

• joyfully and easily train (JET) our dogs without fear of right or wrong

• mindfully shape natural behaviors with SAM (socialization and manners)

• quickly integrate training for a few minutes each day, playing Doggy Diner

• reduce sensory overload with “ahha!” moments of peace and stillness

• connect using body language, breathing, and the magic of your smile

• empower yourself and your dog with skills you can use anywhere

• creatively balance energy while enhancing well-being

• let go of what doesn’t matter and go with the flow (wolf )

• change life for the better with dogs as translators for learning and healing

While you train with awareness, unhealthy patterns in your life can begin to vanish. This is not because of a book, social media, or life doing something to you. It is because you and your dog are doing something different together. Enjoy the journey.

About the Author

Maureen Ross, MA, has presented workshops on dog behavior, family systems, and is passionate about pet assisted therapy. She is the founder of Dog Talk Training and Wellness Sanctuary, LLC and New England Pet Partners, Inc. She is the author of Train Your Dog, Change Your Life and Daily Doga Inspirations, as well as writing for websites and articles on canine / human relationships. She is a member of the National Board of Certified Counselors, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants and Yoga Alliance.