Love Heals Karma
The most important journey for all of us is to find unconditional love. Not just simple love but one that embraces unconditional acceptance that makes us feel complete. With love ruling our heart, we find and demonstrate that love to everyone and that love will be reflected back to us. For love’s journey to be developed into real and unconditional, one must find the causes that limit these real normal functions of our human self. With the acceptance and or understanding of reincarnation, the soul can evolve. Those past lives often affect the development of unconditional love relationship we all seek. Our history recorded by numerous different medias that have exposed us to the vast number of possibilities of experiences while on this earth. With the use of hypnosis, we can unlock that information in one’s mind and soul connection. By allowing that understanding connection, it opens that highway of information available to find the causes and affects of our behavior in this life. There are valid reasons as to “why” we perform in our present relationships as we do. If you are on a quest to explore the origin of “why” in your life, here lies some options as to situations that were unresolved. I have spent over fifty years researching these unanswered “whys” in my life and others. Most of those core answers were the bases of this novel.
The journey of Love Heals Karma is that journey to the critical solution to the questions of “why”. We all have controlling thoughts that seem to have no apparent cause or relationship to events in this life’s journey. Sometimes we are able to dismiss them. Still most “whys” haunts us in unexpected ways that continually nags us to resolve them. The main character, Alex, in this story was so driven. Alex came to this life to heal his personal soul for growth and development. In Alex’s work, he was consumed by his passion to create an environment for real supportive community living. In spite of everything, his personal life is in constant world of flux, hidden conflict, nevertheless still wanting a real love relationship with Jenny. The reader will witness the cause and affects of these haunting restrictive desires on a snaking journey of resolution. He again returns to the tarot reader to reveal he had accomplished the entire task she presented before. Alex was there to flaunt the knowledge he solved all the problems from the last reading. Although those challenges lasted only 3 months, they were hellish experiences that took 9 months to heal. Now he sits with her expecting his would merely have a few minor events. Total shock is reflected by him as she opens the door again to his challenges. This presentation shakes him almost to the root of his being. Now she advises him, he has to resolve the causes as to “why” he has these haunting fears around love and Jenny. With unseen help, he gains control of this spin out. By marrying Jenny, he takes on the challenge to resolve these haunting thoughts. Saying and doing the journey to resolving is two different worlds that carry approach-avoidance conflict that reflects in the stress in the physical form.
They take their honeymoon in parts of Europe where his subconscious will be awakening to past lives events. This area of the subconscious has been opened before by hypnosis stimulated by his desire for freedom. Now the test begins, as these approach-avoidance conflicts grow with intensity. These places give Alex flash backs to past lives where his love personal relationship turned into deeply painful events. Madrid, Spain will turn out to be the final critical pivot point. So deeply, he was wounded that all the other related past lives events needed to be resolved before he was given the opportunity to face this final demon. This demon was exposed under careful systems. Still the unforeseen almost exploded in everyone face that were involved in this undertaking. The first exposure is here in Spain. The statements below open the hidden door was not concluded until he is home where he can begin working safely with his friend, the hypnotherapist. The words of his first exposure of that deep seated love pain begins with –
At 7 a.m., Jenny came into the bathroom and one look at me she was shaken. “What is going on? You are as white as a sheet. Alex, answer me.” She demanded.
“Jenny I do not know, but I have been suffering what I thought was dysentery or Montezuma revenge. However, as the early morning wore on, it is like something else because you ate the same thing I did. You are all right. I need you to get me something from the drug store to settle my stomach. With water in there, it just hurts. II have no idea what is going on.” I replied the best I could.
[Jenny decides to get the next plane home now and completes all the transactions. She realizes that he has lost about 15 pounds already because of what is going on. Aboard the plane and it takes them on journey home.]
As soon as the plane left the ground, I felt wonderful. My color returned to my face and my stomach did not hurt. Jenny just looked at me astonished asking “are you really alright? You look better, but gaunt.”
These continual events grow in such intensity as they come to the end of their honeymoon, which forces them to come home sooner because Alex’s world is now spinning out of control. To his new wife, this is more than somewhat frightening.
This story will finally help you understand the causes behind these hidden activities. Maybe you have had similar unexplained experiences in your life. Where they are resolved, buried, or left hanging because of the lack of any real help available. Come travel with us to understand options and possibilities to help you. Maybe to know how lucky you are that you don’t have haunting events or thoughts dancing in the shadow of your mental world.
As you read the story, you are aware of the many helpers that have been available in your journey. Mental and spiritual growth is the normal activity on this planet. This can be pleasant, maybe enjoyable, but not destructive if you can keep your thoughts off the panic button. Look around and feel the joy of helpers who guide you to resolve and not cheat you out of the experience of mastering your game of life.
Now for Alex’s final trip back into the past to release those painful experiences of Spain. This journey almost loses Alex to the world, but with the help of Jenny and her true love, he survives. The conclusion of the process demonstrates that we are surrounded by helpers to resolve the most painful love problems we came here to master. Again, remember we come to this life for freedom with goals and objectives for soul growth and development.
Can we take out thoughts off the panic button “why me”? The true answer is “why not me”, for it is my passport to freedom I want – unrestrictive love. Come along on this journey of resolution and locate the hidden events that could aid you in developing real love. Remember, that is why we are here. Learn to feel and to enjoy pure unconditional love not anything less or not just lust in the flesh.