The Power of Delta Phi

Harnessing Change to Work for You

by W. Donald Fraser

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/15/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781452552590
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781452552583

About the Book

The story behind the principles laid out in this book is an example of how the little things in life can play such a huge role in how we live. The author’s recollection of how he came by the principles compels the reader to look beyond the norm of our daily lives and endeavor to pursue more of the meaning of life that we all search for. The Power of Delta Phi explains and enables readers to adopt principles that empower them to move beyond the constraints of resisting the ever-present change in our lives, so that they may actively pursue solutions to improvise, overcome, and adapt to the ever-changing world we live in. The book sets down a set of eight principles that, when properly utilized, will provide the foundation upon which a person can build a less stressful environment controlled more by their own design and less by chance.

About the Author

Donald Fraser has more than four decades of experience as an owner, operator, and director of small businesses in the United States. He has spent the past ten years as a college president and consultant for colleges and businesses in the western United States.
Donald’s passion is to serve the needs of the many while endeavoring to help make the world a better place today and for future generations.
Donald resides, with his wife, in the Sierra Foothills of Northern California. He has positioned himself so that he can live close to his two daughters and five grandchildren, as his life revolves around family, enjoying the great outdoors, and reducing their carbon footprint.