Everyone Has an IT

A Guide to Help You Accept, Accentuate, and Appreciate Yours

by Vicki Baird

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/22/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452548418
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452548401
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452548425

About the Book

Working with amazing people for the past thirteen years led me to recognize what seemed to be consistent themes in people’s lives. With each consultation it became clearer that each person wasn’t aware of his or her own special wiring. All of them were more tied into what wasn’t working rather than what was and more willing to acknowledge their seemingly shortcomings rather than their skills. While I could acknowledge what was amazing in them, they weren’t quite there yet. What grew from this experience was knowledge that I could offer a to-go package that would help while on their journey, perhaps holding the energy of their greatness until they were ready to see it. This is that to-go package—a combination of humor, practical advice, and respect for energy that can guide anyone to self-acceptance, empowerment, and the manifestation of the absolute joy life can offer. Learn how to combine all of these elements and live the life you want and know you are meant to have.

About the Author

VICKI BAIRD Vicki Baird has created a business providing Belief Re-patterning, personal and business coaching, and intuitive sessions, along with workshops for people all over the world. Belief Re-patterning is a revolutionary technique that addresses how you are able to identify those beliefs that do not serve you and replace them with new beliefs that will literally open up the doors to create the life you desire. Her practice consists of private sessions, as well as classes to develop one's intuition and ability to enjoy life. She has delighted in the growth of her business, doubling in size every six months, and branching out to include a radio show, presentations at Kripalu, Wellness Centers, and other large theater events. Realizing after fifteen years in business finance that her joy was in helping people develop their own peace, happiness, and intuition, she left to build her own practice and has loved every minute of the past ten years and looks forward to helping others find their joy. Vicki has helped thousands realize their own potential, combining the desires of the physical with the knowledge of the eternal soul. Her compassionate style, with intuitive accuracy, sense of humor and practical advice, speaks to her straight forward way and belief in everyone's inner greatness, guiding them to see it for themselves. She can be reached by email at vicki@vickibaird.com or by calling 413.499.9791..