Health: Our Greatest Wealth
a health and wellness guide
Book Details
About the Book
Many of us chase our dreams and attach those dreams to wealth. However, our greatest wealth is our health! This book will help guide you to that wealth. It is right in front of you in the natural foods in our life. Easy-to-read and quick guides you can start using today.
“Let food be thy medicine,” Hippocrates said it first and now Bonnie LaBuda’s guide makes it easy for everyone to grasp the truth that our greatest investment should be in regaining and maintaining our health through natural foods and quality herbs. We base the quality of the products we use on how effective they are at bringing upon real healing change in the body.
Bonnie LaBuda’s Herb’n Essences line of herbal remedies are second to none. Powerful to say the least.
Dr. Joe Paz
Dr. Jackie Paz-Schimmel
The Chiropractic Center
Clifton N.J.
About the Author
Hello!, I’m Bonnie LaBuda, owner and founder of Herb n’ Essences. I grew up on a 160-acre hobby farm south of St. Cloud, Minnesota. I spent a lot of my childhood with my grandmother, Laurie, who was a wonderful woman. At the time, she hadn’t realized she was both a nutritionist and an herbalist! From her, I learned a great deal about nutrition and herbs, knowledge that, I treasure today, as an adult.
In the early ‘90s, I studied the alternative therapies of acupressure, massage, and aromatherapy. For one summer in the mid-1990s, I studied with an herbalist. Herbalism, I learned, is definitely a calling! In 2000, I started working with an herbalist and biochemist. Together, we developed the products I now sell at my website, Herb n’ Essences. I am so appreciative and thankful to God for all the wonderful gifts He has put on this earth for our use and good health.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (320) 252-5745.
Hello! I’m Mary Mueller. For more than 16 years, I’ve worked in the technology field. My expertise lies in web design, content, and user experience, as well as in training and productivity. I have also worked in support and design. I enjoy helping people use technology to spread their message.
I’m also an avid gardener. My garden contains literally hundreds of perennials, and I’ve dedicated a sizeable portion of my garden space to vegetables. Throughout the winter, my family enjoys the fruits of our labor with frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. Because we eat truly ‘local’ foods, my husband and I are eating better, more healthfully. Growing our own food is a blessing in and of itself!
I invite you to visit my website, Or, you’re welcome to contact me at (320) 293-7590.