Answering the Call
What is joy?
How do You Create Your Life?
In the light of the TRUTH, we begin with what is now the case of the Missing Angels - those who have not taken up the call to be their true, authentic Self. In this case we see that it is not so much that of the mind that comes into play, as is the thought of what is to come that is of Divine importance.
For what is a thought but a manifestation of the TRUTH as you see it? Not the TRUTH, all – knowing and everlasting, but your perception of the TRUTH, and with that, all can be changed. Nothing is so undesirable as to be seen with the Truth laden about one’s neck. For it is in so being that we are limited, like a yoke around an oxen’s neck, plodding and plowing the limited lines of the field that produce the abundance for others, but often not for ourselves. It is this limited thinking that has driven mankind into its demolition hole; its kind of Ranking in Competition: to be the farmer at the helm of the plow who determines the way, or the oxen driven by those who would direct it to their own innate will. It is a question of power that has held in its hands the fate of humanity – the fate of your life.
For whom have you given your power to, but others who have decreed that they know better and must have it done their way? You too, have practiced this, and by that means have held others captive to your bidding. It is time to be set free, to set ALL free,
and to let go of the incessant yammering of fatefulness that many deem to be their ultimate outcome in life – a life they cannot and will not take charge of - for to do so would be the proclamation of some outmoded god.
It is with this we say that everyone is indeed one with Spirit. It is with this bidding that we ask and implore you to be of good cheer and in good standing with all of your fellow humans, for what you have done is nothing more than what you have been taught, and it is without accusation or guilt that we ask you to begin to seek your joy.
What is your joy? It is who you truly are at your heart and soul. It is love for another and love so great for yourself that you would seek to stay on its course and lead no one astray with your expectations and paltry biddings. It is living in the moment that which you enjoy, and giving to the fullest with nothing but love and honor at being able to do so. It is staying true to your ideals and who REALLY you are. As you do all of these things, love and joy are added unto you ten-fold and more - as you are filling your life and the lives of others with positive and emotions of a higher vibratory nature, thus affecting the World around you and our beloved Mother Earth.
For what can we say but to do so, to live in true spiritual integrity with All That Is, giving and receiving only love is true joy and at the heart of what you are seeking to feel complete in your life.“It seems too simple,” you say. Or, you may ask, “How is that possible? How can we possibly live in continual love, doing what we don’t necessarily like doing and still find joy?”
Therein lies the answer to your question. It is a matter of belief that you are finding yourself bridled with joy or a lack of it. It is merely a beginning of changes in reflection that you are now seeing yourself where you are at in your present state of affairs. However, it is not a static image. Nothing ever is but TRUTH, and as your Truth and beliefs are constantly changing, you have often ignored the real TRUTH - but that is all, indeed, up for change.
All suffering is created from our thoughts and beliefs about what has happened. It is what you tell yourself about what has happened that causes this pain and suffering. You hold onto this suffering and champion it like a trophy as you relive, over and over, that which is done with - that experience which had lessons for you which has ceased and desisted.Yet, you continue to wage war with it by calling it forth again and again as you talk and complain about it. While it is important to sort through your thoughts and beliefs about an experience, it is more important to move forward and see the experience objectively and appreciatively for the lesson it has offered you. With that new understanding, you can go forth and create the life that you want. It has not been put there to harangue you fitfully in your sleep for the rest of your life, sentencing you to years of frustrations and roadblocks. It is merely a lesson or test that you have either mastered, or perhaps not yet mastered. It is merely an experience in your life, and how you choose to view it is the final outcome of that lesson.
For as you choose to extract the gratitude for what has been chosen for you, and to move on with the wisdom you have acquired from this experience, your life is richer
and fuller. You can find myriad ways to pursue the “Why me?” of this lesson, or you can find myriad ways to focus on “How can I use this experience as an opportunity?” by asking:
• How did I attract this into my life?
• How can I look at this as a gift to grow and improve myself?
• How can I stake the claim of this lesson and use this new-found wisdom to move forward?
By pursuing this inventory, you can bless the people who brought you the lesson, as well as those who helped you to see what you have believed, and thus created your life.
How does believing equal creating? If you believe that we create from the inside out (and we all do), you can see the blueprints of your life. As you examine the triggers and beliefs that got you to this point, you will often find that it is a belief that is ready to be questioned and healed, coming up so you can move forward on your path. The pain and ad nauseam of the recurring events on your path are results of unexamined beliefs or belief systems that you have acquired over the years or lifetimes of accrued experiences. As you examine and let go of beliefs that are attracting the things you don’t want into your life, you are indeed moving toward a life that is of integrity with who you REALLY are. That is: a perfect, Holy child of God. You are perfect Source Essence. You, the essence of who you are in this body, knows exactly what you are doing and why. You have come here to love and to be loved and to honor that which is within you by expressing with love to others, thus creating an interdependent society based on love for oneself and the other.
For if you indeed speak and act out of love for others, it must begin within your true Self. It is of utmost importance that you seek that which is of your inner essence, and that you forgive, and bless ALL that comes to you, for nothing is of the essence of fear-based mentality in that which you hold dear.
You have indeed been more than accepting of your deemed “fate”, allowing others to control that which you desire and negating your inner essence by harboring it in a safe place, hidden from view. It is time to let the light shine upon it and to be free dear children. It is time to wake up and let your light shine – allow the essence of whom you REALLY are to shine forth - for selfless is this desire.
How different our world would be if we would, indeed, allow our own pure inner essence to shine forth for the benefit of ALL of Creation! If we would move in a positive direction to that which is indeed our field of dreams, and see the best in ourselves (our true inner essence) and that of others - choosing to see only that which is real – that which is love! If we would build on that foundation of love, integrity and light, what joy and peace would that bring to our world! For so we will we tend to each other. Teaching and learning from each other in our Language of Gifts that each of us has brought here to create a New World.
It is time. Let us begin.
Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raziel, Mother Mary and Jesus
Transformation Tool #1: Self – Reflection from a Higher Perspective
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