The Hormone "Shift"
Using Natural Hormone Balancing for Your... Mood, Weight, Sleep & Female Health
Book Details
About the Book
Would you like to lose five pounds, stop your hot flashes and sleep better, THIS WEEK?
These results are attainable when your hormones get into balance. The author explains how natural, safe solutions can bring fast results that last.
From her twenty-three years of experience in the health field, and after helping thousands of women at her Lancaster, Pa. health center, she has noted growing trends that ALL stem from a simple hormone imbalance:
CONCLUSION: Frustration is rising due to NOT getting validation about concerns or answers on these issues from the medical field or health/nutrition industry!
Are Your Hormones Imbalanced?
Perhaps your hormones have “shifted” a bit due to stress, age, pregnancy or menopause. Are you left feeling frustrated from trying to deal with many issues that do not seem to respond to diet, exercise, herbs, medication or even surgical procedures?
Learn the ONE MAIN hormonal “shift” that occurs in almost all American women, starting at puberty and peaking around menopause along with its ONE MAIN origin.
The author will give you simple steps on how to reverse this hormonal “shift” so that within a month you can be:
You will understand that when hormones are balanced you will look and feel your best while preventing female-related cancers…and slowing the aging process as an extra benefit!
If you are one of the many women saying….
These constant hot flashes are driving me crazy!
Is everyone around me trying to get on my last nerve?
I’m counting FLOCKS of sheep and still can’t sleep!
I’m working out, eating like a bird and can’t lose a single pound!
Sex? Are you kidding? I’d rather be sleeping or eating.
My thyroid medicine just doesn’t seem like it’s helping me lose weight.
"Depressed? That’s an understatement, nothing is really fun anymore.This book is a must-read!About the Author
Dawn M. Cutillo has been in the health field for over 23 years, working specifically with hormone balancing for over 12 years. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health and currently owns and operates The Rejuvenation Center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Her focus with her clients is on hormone health, detoxification, and weight loss. As the owner of Infinity Health LLC, her national consulting company, she provides weight loss franchises and doctors with education and supplements to aid their clients/patients in balancing hormones and relieving many “subclinical” health issues. She facilitated a small breast cancer study and was published internationally for her unique protocol for stress management. To read her full biography, please visit