I create this art of Soul Tuning all day, every day, in the present moment. Every breath I take clears the canvas for me to allow my thoughts, spoken words, and actions to express my desire for a joyful life.
This art form requires your intention to be one with all life, one with God I Am. When you choose to live your every moment in this state of Being, you let go of illusions of separateness and allow our Source to flow effortlessly and lovingly through you to all life and JOY becomes you!
We are all artists, co-creating God’s gifts of love, joy, and empowerment, when we choose to open our Souls to attunement. I feel my Soul being fine-tuned and my life force vibrations being raised by the Master Artist within me. I have spent years in this awakening process and now know it has always been within me…never outside of myself. I need only to quiet my mind and be at home with my Source, my God. I find and allow this blissful daily existence in the present moment.
As a Soul Tuner, I present the Christ Consciousness to every individual, to all humanity, and to all of God’s Creation. This discipline allows the observation of the Christ in everyone, individually and/or collectively, in nature, and all situations. When this presence and connection is allowed, only Divine Perfection is recognized in ourselves, all others, and in the whole of life. This loving, healing process can be shared throughout daily living, from as intimate as family interactions to as expanded as meditations for worldwide situations. There are various methods I provide for Soul Tuning, and I know you can get creative and experiment within your own lives. Have fun…I do!
I make a practice of silent heartfelt communication of “God I Am The Christ I Am Presenting,” and as I think and feel this prayer, I breathe deeply while visualizing The Christ coming forward in others and situations. I then imagine and feel The Christ energy moving through my heart chakra, and as I exhale, I return that tuned-up energy to the tuning receiver. This reverent meditation elevates the vibrations to the God I Am Divine Perfection level for both the tuner and the receiver. Everyone has daily opportunities to embrace this co-creative practice of Soul Tuning. There are always minutes of your day spent waiting for something or someone. This quiet tuning may be used anywhere, anytime, and you decide for how long. The Divine energy radiating from you has far-reaching benefits that affect unlimited others and unknown aspects. It also has the ability to transform traffic, waiting in lines or offices, being on hold, and even sleepless nights, into a desirable spiritual practice. I can’t think of a more valuable use of unexpected downtime.
When I greet someone with a hug, kiss, or a handshake, I take the moment to do a quick intention of Soul Tuning; this truly creates a feeling of Divine Presence for all involved.
There are times when I am in a group situation where the atmosphere and interactions are “off-pitch” and I feel my heart’s desire to quietly, Soul-fully “tune it up!” I will also do the same when necessary in one-on-one communications.
Once vibrational tunings are performed, the Souls are available for alignment with their Perfect Pitch Purpose. In Chapter 5, there are descriptions of various meditative practices I enjoy daily which allow my Soul to maintain the highest level of attunement.