Ethics of a Psychic Reading is based on Suzanne Newnham’s own experience and observations of energy and psychic phenomena and the manner in which they are delivered.
In 600BC the Greek scientist and philosopher Thales of Miletus observed the effect when he rubbed a piece of amber causing what we now know as the effects of static electricity. Given that the serious work in static electricity (electrostatics) didn’t commence until some 2,200 years later how would Thales have explained what the general public might have perceived as a type of magic?
Even today, superstition can cause fear and misunderstanding when magic or the supernatural is then given as an explanation for paranormal abilities. A vague wave of the hand and saying “the [psychic] information came from there” is often the only description currently available until the scientific world can uncover a more objective and rational explanation for natural phenomena.
Even if not considered conventional, psychic connection exists and when utilised and relayed ethically can assist humanity and the environment on a multitude of levels. Whether through a paranormal connection, or learned modality, dealing with what would be considered beyond the normal has up until now been reliant on individual intention and integrity. Ethics of a Psychic Reading is written to enable the amateur or professional purveyor of psychic messages or readings to gain an understanding of the responsibilities of imparting such information.
Why a book on the ethics of psychic readings?
The intention of any psychic reading, regardless of the type of reading given and the information conveyed must be for healing for the highest good of the client. Where the information is less than pleasant then it is very important to access additional information psychically for options of how the client can move through that period of time and energy. It is important for the psychic not to become ego-involved and tell the client what to do. To leave a client with no hope, even if the information seems accurate, is unethical and potentially unhealthy in many different ways.
What’s in a Word?
In this chapter definitions of everyday words and discussion of concepts, relating to ethics, are given. Words and concepts used to define energy, and how it is interpreted by the scientific community, are further defined to clarify specific meanings relating to energetic connection, healing energies, as well as psychic and paranormal phenomena.
Clairvoyants, psychics, mediums, and natural healers have generally been practicing under an interpretation of the “right thing to do” based on the culture in which they live. For centuries, up to the present day, this has also been based on a genuine desire to help other living beings.
In part one of Ethics of a Psychic Reading I clarify areas of terminology. The word “clairvoyant” or “fortune teller” is often used to describe a person who “gives readings”. This might be in the form of reading tarot cards, tea leaves, palms, snake entrails and the like, sticks or stones with writing on them, or the stereotype image of a Gypsy-like person gazing into a crystal ball … and this is only a very condensed list. In addition to describing tools of divination non-psychic methods such as astrology, healing techniques and meditation are also discussed.
There are, however, some differences in the style and delivery of information, as well as the favoured type of information allowed “to come through the reader”. This will be discussed in the second part of the book.
The third part, including the situation which was the catalyst for writing Ethics of a Psychic Reading, will address other aspects that are important when looking at the complexities and the ethics of a psychic reading. Psychic vulnerability to interpretation of paranormal phenomena, with examples and observations over many years, are explored. Ethics from practical application and etiquette to professional practice are discussed in detail.
While approaches to situations and solving them may seem biased, based on just an individual perspective, the telling of personal experience is an invaluable tool in relating a specific human rather than a generalised response. Even though studies should not be based on a single approach, where there are multiple approaches and responses to similar situations then patterns emerge which can be studied and a baseline of understanding and information created.
A summary is included at the end of each chapter to offer concise points for study and to facilitate discussion.
Ethics of a Psychic Reading has been written as a guide to help expand your understanding of the world related to psychic phenomena, to encourage you to ask questions about it, to develop your own awareness based on your responses, and to be mindful of some of the truths and inaccuracies which surround this esoteric subject.