Introducing The Goddess
God may be in the details, but the Goddess is in the questions.
Once we begin to ask them, there's no turning back.
- Gloria Steinem
Well, Goddess. You have picked up this book. Good for you! We know that right now, as you read this, you probably don’t feel very Goddessy. Or you WANT to feel Goddessy, but you are not sure why. Or you just know, deep in your heart, that you should be taking better care of yourself, but you don’t know where to start. We have written this book for you.
The Goddess knows that women are important. The Goddess knows that women are vital to the survival of our species and the survival of Mother Earth, too. But most of all, the Goddess knows that there has GOT to be something better than the feelings of exhaustion, of not being good enough, of not being able to keep up with the world that she lives in, every day. There’s too much laundry, too much work, not enough time to spend cherishing children, to read a good book, to even just rest- to breathe fresh air - for even a minute.
We’ve heard your cries. Your body hurts, your mind is tired, and you know that things, on the inside, just aren’t working quite right. You are down on yourself. You feel too fat, too skinny, not smart enough, not happy enough, not able to cope. The Goddess inside you knows all this, too, and she is sad. Goddess, you say? Yes, you ARE a Goddess, and from this moment on, we will only refer to you this way. So get used to it... we did.
Oh Goddess, be strong. We, as fellow Goddesses who have been-there-done-that in huge ways, countless times, are here for you. This book is meant to be a love letter to you, the women who have the potential to change their lives and change the world. We want you to feel as good as we do now. We want you to figure things out. As a Holistic Nutritionist and a Spiritual Counsellor, as mothers, as WOMEN, we talk to other gals every day who feel like you do. This book is the culmination of our own bumblings and searchings, of the victories of countless women we have counseled, mentored, and taught. Women who started out just like you.
We also feel it necessary to say something else to you. We know you exist in the Real World. This is the world where deadlines make you stay up until midnight, where, if you are a mother, there are days where you can be peed on, pooped on, spit up on and thrown up on all at the same time. We know that there are real stressors out there that make giving any attention to yourself seem like it is completely a pipe dream. We know sometimes you could go for days without showering if you have a new baby, where 5 a.m. hockey practice means your breakfast dishes don’t get done til five p.m. We know this world, and we live it every day too.
When we were both in our early thirties, in the throes of motherhood and wifedom and careerdom, we used to comb through the bookstores, desperately searching for something to help us understand the loss of the sense of self we were both feeling. We would talk about it for hours on the phone together, tossing all kinds of ideas around as to why we couldn’t seem to pull ourselves out of the tiredness, the confusion and the fuzziheadedness we were both feeling. We talked about how we knew there must be more to life than what we were currently experiencing, yet every time we looked for some point of reference - some sort of owner’s manual about how to function (and succeed!) in spades - at being a woman, we always fell short. We promised each other we would figure it out, and we have. We are now sharing what we have learned with you.
We have written this book to be like a road map for you, but we have written in from a place and a time in our lives where things like spit up, dishes and laundry are still very real for us. We have made changes. And these changes have enriched our lives in unimaginable ways.
Our commitment to you is that as you read this, you will feel assured that the changes we are suggesting YOU can make work in very practical ways, in a very raw and real world.
Here’s how this book works. Each chapter contains three sections:
✴ “Get Ready” introduces you to the concept of the chapter.
✴“Get Set” gives you the tools you need to feel confident enough to make a change.
✴ “Go Goddess!” asks you to try one simple thing that you can incorporate quickly into your busy days, but which can have a profound effect on the quality of your life.
We invite you to first read the book cover to cover, but once you get the gist of it, feel free to use it more as a reference book, accessing the sections you need when you are feeling low, or like you need a boost, or to come back on centre. It’s kind of like a life preserver. Toss a chapter or two to yourself when you need to stay afloat. Eventually, all the things we recommend will become like breathing. You will just know to do it, without having to think about it.
Goddess, it’s time to begin your journey. And don’t worry, it’s not scary, and it’s not overwhelming. We will see to that. Your journey begins here, with just the simple turn of a page, and ends... well hopefully it never does. But there is one thing we know for sure. We are ready to help you travel, and keep you gliding down a road that is light, that is vibrant, that is joyful, that is revolutionary. Just like you....