Feng Shui Coaching

by Carol Hamilton

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/1/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781452544724
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781452544717

About the Book

There is a relationship between our heads and our hearts. When the two are working in harmony, inner peace occurs, and our ability to focus on our desires becomes limitless. When this harmony is also supported by our physical surroundings, not only is the focus further enhanced, the time frames for achieving our goals shorten significantly. This is because our physical environments are reflections of our inner thoughts and beliefs.

Consider for a moment moving your living room couch. If the new placement requires you to create different walking patterns, you have changed more than the furniture, you have changed your perspective. Now introduce an intention or goal to that perspective, and you are literally walking the path to your dreams.

This book is a collection of stories where people found themselves needing a change and unsure of what to do first. By addressing their physical space, they gave themselves a door that led out of their limiting surroundings and into their futures.

About the Author

Carol Hamilton has been a teacher, consultant, and author on the topic of Feng Shui Coaching for fifteen years. She holds professional certifications in homeopathy, coaching, and Reiki. She is editor of Demystifying Homeopathy: A Concise Guide for Perspective Patients. She has recorded Gratitude Bath for the Feminine Form.