The Journey of a Humbled Heart

A Life Guide for the 21st Century

by Jay Alan Goldfarb

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/28/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781452533568
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781452533544
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781452533551

About the Book

Jay Goldfarb is a modern day philosopher, professional Life Guide, and motivational speaker who, as a result of his own extremely intimate spiritual journey, helps guide others to achieving what Jay calls, a "Humbled Heart".

You have the power to create absolutely anything you want in your life, including a life of purpose. Your natural state is one of infinite abundance. By connecting with your natural state you will naturally achieve what I call "a Humbled Heart".

"Although we all define it differently and we all go about finding it in our own very intimate and unique way; I believe we all have this innate desire to achieve a Humbled Heart. Simply put, Jay describes a Humbled Heart as "a deep level of peace and happiness that touches you at your core. It is the spiritual essence of who you are".

Jay shares his gifts through insightful concepts and philosophies, as well as providing the tools and exercises that has helped guide numerous individuals along their personal journey towards attaining a deeper level of peace and happiness, and manifesting the life they were meant to live.

Jay shares this methodology though lectures, seminars, workshops, and open forum discussions that helps people to empower their lives with astonishing results. Jay shares very specific concepts, philosophies, and tools with fun improvisational exercises that will open your mind and broaden your perspective.

Jay applies his unique methodology to helping individuals, couples, and groups achieve, develop, and embrace a deeper level of peace and happiness, a heightened sense of spiritual awareness, a better understanding of "self", and ultimately to manifest a purposeful life.

If living the life you dream about is appealing to you, than this book is a must read.

For more information on services call Jay at: 513-312-4579.

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About the Author

Jay Alan Goldfarb is a modern day philosopher, professional Life Guide, and motivational speaker who helps guide others to achieving what Jay calls, a "Humbled Heart". You have the power to create absolutely anything you want in your life, including a life of purpose.