by Runa Ing

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/07/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9798765253250

About the Book

The Runes, these pebbles crafted with symbols of an ancestral language, bring us closer to the whisper of the soul. Valkyrja’s Reflections invites us to be aware of the creativity that guide us. The miracle of life has the purpose of sharing generously, receiving with humility, and enjoying with authenticity. Collective individuality is what transforms us. The Runes and their secrets help us interpret this journey of the senses in which we are the writers of our own destiny.

About the Author

The meaning of my life has been nourished by moments of infinite connection with my soul. Each step brought joys and sorrows that, transformed into lessons, gave me incentives to become a better person. With this book, I join the universal movement of light and consciousness for individual renewal.