
A Latina Lawyer’s Path to Empowerment

by Adriana Palomares

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/10/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9798765245934
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9798765245958

About the Book

While growing up in México, Lucia Inocencio Granados is unconditionally loved by her grandmother, Mamá Juanita who tells her that she is the light of their destiny, born to change their lineage. All Lucia has to do is put herself in God’s hands. It is not until many years later, in the darkest moment of her life, that Lucia finally understands the depth of Mamá Juanita’s message.

When she is just eight years old, Lucia’s life changes forever when she boards a bus with her parents and siblings without any idea that she is leaving everything she knows behind to migrate illegally to Los Angeles. After spending a month in Tijuana, Lucia and her family finally cross the border and settle in a rough neighborhood in Los Angeles. As she sets down a new path as a determined first-generation Méxican-American, Lucia attempts to overcome social pressures and expectations, financial and personal challenges, and cultural stereotypes.

Brava is the inspirational story of a young Latina’s coming-of-age journey as she searches for success and true happiness after she migrates to the United States from México. But will she find a way to eventually realize the destiny her grandmother envisioned for her?

About the Author

Adriana Palomares is a first-generation Latina author, attorney, and entrepreneur who was born in Guanajuato, México, and raised in Los Angeles. A graduate of UCLA with a BA in English, Adriana’s love for creative writing has been a constant presence in her life. Her rich cultural background and diverse experiences converge in a narrative that celebrates the strength and resilience of individuals like herself. Brava marks the beginning of her career as a published Latina author. Adriana resides in Los Angeles, California and continues to inspire and empower others through her writing and advocacy.