Journey To Spiritual Self book preview
The one lesson I think I have learnt from this experience thus far, is that one can be vulnerable, strong and courageous all at the same time and that this is fine. The feeling of intense fear, however can impact on your physiology to such a degree your heart palpitates beyond control, your ability to think or not think about things feels out of control and your sense of security is non existence. Fear triggers a sense of annihilation, and robs you of the ability to combat this which leaves one feeling stuck in the middle of that place of stunned numbness, and a desire to run as fast as you can, but none of those two things happen while your body is constantly fighting for at least one of these things to happen. The feeling of fear is a like an internal hurricane swirling around the inside of one's body, busting with destructive action, yet contained within thick strong walls of the body , which don’t bend to accommodate it , and just won’t let it go. And all the mind can do while the body is trapped in this turmoil of fear, is wait for the hurricane to burn itself out or claim dominion over the body and mind, leaving them both unable to fulfil their task.
When gripped with such intense fear the only hope of survival is to have access to something over and above the body and mind that can assist one in dealing with the out of control feelings and the overpowering sense of possibly no longer existing. Spirit has the capacity to dwell within the body and externally from the body at the same time and can therefore act as the fluid, flexible, bendable substance that can hold the bridge between the turmoil felt in side when fear sets in and the rigid structure of the body that refuses to let fear out. Spirit is the ultimate negotiator that allows the mind to know that there is hope over and above the emotional, physical and intellectual experience of enduring and or intense fear.
We will explore the power within and how the connection with spirit and appropriate, application of this unity, we can enhance our wellbeing and positively impact on the future of each individual, including ourselves.
I hope this will be an amazing journey, for you the reader, similar to the one I often experience, however the good times are not constant, and there is a strength in managing the bad times as well. As I share these thoughts with you, I am also growing and therefore also looking forward to this journey.
Some of the information in this book will be hard to believe and other parts might seem a little far-fetched, but I share these true experiences with you to let you know that there are very many different phenomena in this world, some good and some bad. It is our task to seek the good and eliminate the bad. Just as the body does every time we consume food or drink.
I will talk of my childhood and many of the experiences that caused me to question my faith and some that strengthened my faith in a higher power than myself. In order to put this journey into context, we will discuss some original traditional beliefs held by those in Africa, the Caribbean and New Zealand, amongst other parts of the world.
I will suggest some empowerment exercises that might assist in connecting to spirit and developing inner positiveness, that you can try out. Whenever we pick up a book we hope to find something that is meaningful and useful to us. In a strange way, we are often seeking something new, but it must hold something known to us in order for us to identify with it and grow and expand from it. This book will surely do that, but only for those of you who are prepared to look beyond your usual parameters of realistic expectations. I want you to take this opportunity and step out of your comfort zone, that place where all is familiar to you and easily accepted, maybe into a place of deeper enquiry and new discovery.
I know that I will be sharing with you something so deeply profound and magnificent that it will impact on your thinking and hopefully influence your relationship with others, but more importantly, this information may cause you to consider the relationship you have with yourself. We are going to explore the dynamics of spirituality and the truth about human inner power, and this will enable you to reframe every aspect of your life experiences thus far, so that they work in a more constructive way for you in the future. I intend to stimulate your mind, emotions and understanding in a way that most spiritual and empowerment books have not done before. You see, the contents of this book is not about how you might understand it on an intellectual level but more about how you experience it on a knowing and enquiring level.
The spirit of the Most High is an amazing thing and if you begin to allow yourself to open up to the spiritual energy of the Most High, the universal force or the higher self – depending on how you identify with the power that works with and through you – it has an uncanny way of bringing experiences into your life that align you with spirit and enable you to learn and know more about it to a degree where you can benefit from every move that you make in life.
Aqualma S.Y. Murray