Chapter 1
All You Need Is Love
Welcome Aboard
A new consciousness is arising on our planet and with it a movement towards love. We live in exciting times! There is scientific proof that our hearts are stronger than our brains and that our emotionally charged thoughts create our lives. To access this power, we have to find a way to step out of the physical, emotional, and mental stress of life and connect to love. We can do this by becoming conscious of our blocks to love, and with meditation. This book will show you how, and by guiding you step-by-step, you will become a beacon of love.
To begin your Love Revolution, I am asking you to commit to being kind to yourself and to love yourself - no matter what. Only then can you unchain your heart and walk in love. The Love Revolution is a sacred journey, as we walk in the light of divine Source/God force energy. This process, therefore, meant to be taken lightly.
At times, it won’t be easy, but it won’t be boring. It will be an intrepid journey that has the potential to be life-changing. Every day will be different. Some days on your travels, you may find heaven on earth, and some days you will feel like you are in hell. Some days will be full of busyness, and some days will be divinely blank. Some days will be uncomfortable, and some days will be bliss. Some days you will lose time and sit in meditation longer than you thought possible. And some days you will wiggle and jiggle for what feels like an eternity but find it was only ten minutes. It is all part of the journey.
You will need to be openhearted as you review, and reset your habitual thought patterns. There will be days when you find yourself sitting in the shadows, as love brings up to the light everything that is unlike itself. Your hidden stuff will surface. Fantastic! Be aware that this may throw you off balance and you may trip. It is all part of the journey. Take a deep breath, and forgive yourself for the fall.
Treat yourself kindly when the journey appears difficult, even though your natural instinct will be to give yourself a hard time. These tricky times are when you must give yourself more love, not less. Trust yourself, and have faith that you can do it. I know you can do it. I believe in your full potential, and it is this part of you that I write.
Feel free to take some, if not all, of the words in these pages for yourself. Some of the words will resonate immediately, and some may take a little longer. If you are curious, read the book through and then go back to the beginning to start the Love Revolution meditation. I recommend you take one chapter on board a week, and then practice, practice, practice. The first week isn’t a sit-down meditation; it’s two exercises to ready you for the weeks ahead. A simple statement and a breathing exercise. Do not race through the steps. A strong foundation leads to a strong structure, and a strong structure leads to a strong revolution.
Use this book as a study guide, take a highlighter (or a pen) to these pages, and make these words, and this book your own. Be creative. Add notes and circle pieces that ring true. Own it!
You may want to encourage friends to get a copy of this book for themselves so they can go on this journey with you. Or you could organize a group to meditate, discuss, and support each other. It is a fabulous idea to share your journey as it helps ground it. You could even start your own neighborhood Love Revolution!
However you choose to make this journey, alone or with travel buddies, the first step is always the hardest. You have to make some decisions. You have to decide to gift yourself a few minutes every day, over the next month, to the Love Revolution. You have to decide to open yourself to love, and you have to decide to receive it. You have to decide that there is no one on the planet more deserving of your love than you.
“I Love Myself!”
Generally, we are hard on ourselves. We hold high expectations, or none at all, and judge ourselves harshly. We are our own worst critics. We criticize ourselves in the mirror, and we doubt our ability to succeed.
To tune yourself into love, I want you to take on board a short statement to say silently, and out loud whenever you can. I am asking you to repeat it frequently until it becomes automatic. At first, it may seem difficult, and in fact darn right silly, to be saying this to yourself. If you stick with it for the month it will take to read and practice the Love Revolution; you will be forever changed. I promise!
The magic words are “I love myself!”
Make this the mantra that you repeat regularly, out loud and internally, until it becomes a new belief. Your subconscious mind listens to and believes wholeheartedly everything you think and say, so be aware of what you are saying about yourself because you are always listening.
When you state, “I love myself!” new neural pathways will be created in your brain so that you will love yourself. Once you believe it, every cell in your body will hear it, and they will believe it too. You will glow with love and be lovely to behold. Your love will radiate out into the world, and you will see proof of your belief as the world shows you how it loves you back. Your life will become a manifestation of love.