Thought I’d be the Example

MIRACLE LIFE: A Life the Divine has given us

by Desiree Vivir

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/07/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 352
ISBN : 9798765242209
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 352
ISBN : 9798765242216

About the Book

I have always believed that ultimate health is not only possible but waiting on the sidelines to happen. It’s in the human genome. The DNA contains all the health, wealth, loving relationships, joy, laughter, longevity, peace, creativity, and more. Question everything--from the accepted notions of Western meal indulgences, the ways in which communities are structured, our notions about child rearing, to our communication patterns. Our bodies are self-healing and self-rejuvenating, and are not designed for deterioration after puberty. Youth is not meant to be wasted on the young. I am an avid believer that life’s profound treasures begin with the wisdom years. By marrying the innocence of past years with the wisdom obtained through life experience, creates the perfect combination for ‘Youthing’. Human beings are designed to live long healthy, vibrant creative, enthusiastic lives, filled with buoyancy and spontaneity. This is representative of the Creator within.

About the Author

Author’s pen name is Desiree Vivir. A Registered Nurse who’s interested in Holistic Health. The mother of two successful children, and a late grandson. Her hobbies: knitting, embroidery, sewing, designing, upholstery, ceramics, and gardening. In lieu of back surgery, she incorporated natural healing methodologies with great success. Desiree is an independent thinker. Allowing guidance from an inner nudging. Her book was meant to be a pamphlet but took on a life of it’s own. Blossoming into a wealth of knowledge and information gathered from lucid dreams, visions, and altered states of consciousness, seemingly from ‘out of the blue’ writing itself. Desiree believes the Universe set her up to learn many of life’s lessons, helping her to live consciously with clarity and purpose to truly ‘Be The Example’. At the youthful age of 69, she still ‘walks her talk’.