Indigo Scout

come closer, your purpose is calling

by Arnette Lamoreaux

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/09/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452520971

About the Book

The emphasis has been on who or what is Indigo rather than on why Indigo. Per Abraham, Indigo refers to the vibration of and around a soul. The human body, which encompasses the Indigo Soul, in essence, radiates energy at a higher level than that of their counterparts. Many writings have described the characteristics (or behaviors) of Indigo and suggest ideas of how we can support them in school and at home. All valid! Most Indigo have difficulty conforming to society standards, when it was the non-Indigo population who made the rules in the first place. In the mind of the Indigo, the rules, technically, do not apply to them. Indigo think, “Why bother with the restrictions or expectations attempted to be placed on me when the end result is not my normal but yours?”

We will not find many materialistic, over-achieving, and corporate climbing Indigo in our midst. The Indigo is not motivated by the same wants and desires. God sent them to Earth for a reason. Allow them to step into purpose and bring balance to where we all live. Help make way for the Indigo Soul.

About the Author

Arnette moved from Michigan to Texas in 2005. As a Master of USUI Reiki, she specializes in guiding Indigo Souls and Navigators to their divine purpose. Arnette continues to collaborate with Abraham, and INDIGO SCOUT: come closer, your purpose is calling is their second publication together. To learn more about her work and the programs available through GoIndigo™, please visit